Saturday, February 28, 2009

Back to Str8 Rippin'!

Craig, the Dungeon Master of our hearts and our dungeons lo these past months stepped down last week and Blake officially took over the reigns last night. New Dungeon Master, new campaign, new characters. Well, mostly. All new but for Orchid, the tiny but vicious rogue.

The following is a breakdown of the party:

Dale - Human Cleric
Galinndan - Eladrin Fighter/Wizard
Gwenn - Half-elf Warlock
Orchid - Halfing Rogue
Quinn - Half-elf Artificer
Rend-fol - Genasi Swordmage
Rhogar - Dragonborn Barbarian

The campaign began with Orchid rolling into the tiny frontier town of Bristol Watch, deep in the Vilhon Wilds. Driving a cart full of supplies, Orchid delivers the cargo and then encounters the rest of the adventurers already about town. Rhogar and Galinndan are locals, but everyone else just recently arrived, all for various reason--some mysterious, other more mundane.

Look for future blog entries to pick up on the basis of this storyline. The group's name reverts back to "Str8 Rippin'" as an incentive for someone to come up with a better party name.

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