Saturday, December 27, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Alas, Poor King Thane! I Knew Him.
The Victors of Shadowfell Keep marched deeper into the Underdark on their way to Well of Demons and the gang of demon worshipping gnolls that dwelled there, the Blackfang gang.
The journey marked in days, not hours, the party encountered frequent denizens of the Underdark, including a clutch of firebats that proved only a momentary distraction. The following day, the party ran into a dwarf leading four scraggly humans. The dwarf turned out to be none other than King Thane who wasted little time in confronting the party, ascertaining them as foes of Underdark evil, and demanding they join him as followers. Surina, the mysterious dragonkind who recently attached herself to the Victors, asked Thane if he intended to conquest the Underdark for good or evil. The King began to explain himself, but before he finished, Surina attacked the dwarf and his followers. Before the party could barely react, Orchid launched a wickedly gyrating dagger that twanged too solidly into the side of King Thane's head, killing him instantly. The party wasted little time in berating Surina for her hasty reaction; the dragonkind spewed bile-filled nonsense before stalking off. Orchid relieved Thane of his crested neck piece.
The party next came upon a strange undead being, leading some fellow mindless zombies. Curiously, the undead requested peaceful passing with the adventurers. After talking with the undead, the party agreed to let them pass, though Shava and Gareth expressed grave misgivings at the idea of allowing the walking dead to roam free.
On the third day, the party stumbled upon a gelatinous cube joined up with some phase wights. Unlike the last undead encountered, these made no attempt at parley, their gaping jaws and shrieking howls yearning humanoid flesh. The party made short work of them.
The Victors of Shadowfell Keep marched deeper into the Underdark on their way to Well of Demons and the gang of demon worshipping gnolls that dwelled there, the Blackfang gang.
The journey marked in days, not hours, the party encountered frequent denizens of the Underdark, including a clutch of firebats that proved only a momentary distraction. The following day, the party ran into a dwarf leading four scraggly humans. The dwarf turned out to be none other than King Thane who wasted little time in confronting the party, ascertaining them as foes of Underdark evil, and demanding they join him as followers. Surina, the mysterious dragonkind who recently attached herself to the Victors, asked Thane if he intended to conquest the Underdark for good or evil. The King began to explain himself, but before he finished, Surina attacked the dwarf and his followers. Before the party could barely react, Orchid launched a wickedly gyrating dagger that twanged too solidly into the side of King Thane's head, killing him instantly. The party wasted little time in berating Surina for her hasty reaction; the dragonkind spewed bile-filled nonsense before stalking off. Orchid relieved Thane of his crested neck piece.
The party next came upon a strange undead being, leading some fellow mindless zombies. Curiously, the undead requested peaceful passing with the adventurers. After talking with the undead, the party agreed to let them pass, though Shava and Gareth expressed grave misgivings at the idea of allowing the walking dead to roam free.
On the third day, the party stumbled upon a gelatinous cube joined up with some phase wights. Unlike the last undead encountered, these made no attempt at parley, their gaping jaws and shrieking howls yearning humanoid flesh. The party made short work of them.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Ze Plot Thickens
An hour later, a crossbow bolt came whizzing past the party, clattering harmlessly against the hold's stone wall. The Bloodreavers agreed to the Victor's terms, though amended the time it would take them to vacate to a week. Gilic spoke for the party, finalizing the deal, insisting the Bloodreaver send over the slaves immediately. A sorry pack of humanoids trudged into view soon after, three humans and a goblin. The goblin wasted little time asserting himself, gesturing widely and chattering in his native tongue. As no one spoke goblin, Cedric conjured a spell and began translating what proved to be mostly incoherent babbling. The goblin suddenly shrieked and pointed! All eyes looked as the goblin moved to grab Cedric's sheathed dagger. Taegahn almost yawned as he emptied two arrows into the wretch.
The other slaves, human Cormyrians, stared in abject horror, though they were assured the same fate did not await them. One of the slaves, a weathered miner, reported that the Bloodreavers has been particularly active lately, gathering more than twenty slaves the past week alone. He and the others knew little else, but assured VoSFK an award awaited them if they provided safe passage back to the Seven Pillar Halls and the Deep Gem Mining Company.
The party gathered their gear and set out back to the Halls. Along the way, a mob of monsters slid out of hidden panels and attacked the adventurers. A fire drake and three bugbears attacked from the front, an ettercap from the back. The latter spewed warm webbing all over the tightly bunched party, immobilizing Shava and Queequeg and making movement more difficult for everyone else. Cedric sprayed sizzling acid on the drakes and bugbears, while Taegahn fired into the chittering ettercap. Gareth absorbed three separate mighty blows from blunt bugbear weaponry and then returned as good as he got. The slobbering monsters fell dead like dominos in a parlor game and the party traveled the rest of the way unmolested.
The Victors first stopped at the Deep Gem Mining Company office. Rejoiced at the return of his employees, the old dwarf Uthlin gave each party member a heavy amethyst gem. As the adventuerers made to leave, Uthlin asked that they keep their eyes open for his prized boar, Uthlik, who followed some of his miners out into the Underdark, but never returned. Taegahn snickered when Uthlin proudly intimated that Uthlik meant "little son" in dwarven. The elf muttered under his breath that the name more likely translated into "pig-fucker."
"Eh, what's that you say elf?" Uthlin bellowed.
"Oh, nothing!" chimed Taegahn musically.
Uthlin glowered, sure he'd been insulted but uncertain what was said. Cedric, meanwhile, shook his head and said, "A boar roaming the tunnels of Underdark? Let me stop by the nearest butcher and bring you back a rack of ham for surely the denizens of Underdark feast well on bacon this night."
"Why you little bastard! Uthlik's alive I tell you! He's a smart pig, smarter than you I dare say! Smells better too!" Uthlin hollered, lunging a hard right hook that landed heavily on the side of Cedric's face. The rest of the party quickly ushered out its two diplomats before more could be said, assuring Uthlin they would look for his lost pig.
On the way out, the drow merchant Gendar motioned to Shava. The cleric warily approached. Gendar intimated that he knew the party recently acquired a skull-tipped scepter and that he would pay 200 gold and some information for it. Shava nodded curtly and his terms and said she would get back to him. Upon hearing the drow desired to purchase the scepter, Orchid plotted that the group sell it to him, kill him, then take the scepter back.
The party next visited the Mages of Saruun. As always, the mage representative appeared after uttering the word "justice," hidden behind a golden mask and flanked by a bronze minotaur. The mage nodded acknowledge that the Bloodreavers had been dismantled but indicated that a new problem had emerged: the Black Fang gnolls. Reaching deep into a small bag, he withdrew a robe covered with alternating blinking eyes and offered it as a down payment for an assault on the Black Fangs. The party agreed. Cedric donned the robe, with Queequeg trying to poke out some of the eyes. Shava asked the mage to examine the skull-tipped scepter and he agreed.
Queegueg broke from the party, making his way to the Halfmoon Inn. Inside, he once again procured the map drafting skills of Rendell. Rendell agreed to make the map, but cautioned the dragonborn not to find the Black Fang lair, ominously known as the Well of Demons. In his many studies, Queequeg had read of the Well. In the days of old, an order of monastic monks tested applicants at the well; success welcomed them into the fold, failure embraced death. History told the minotaurs worshipped Baphomet.
Later that day, Cedric performed a ritual, summoning the Hand of Fate. He asked three questions of it, one concerning the skull-tipped scepter and the other about the singularity the party was sent to investigate. The Hand provided little helpful information. At the same time, Shava returned to the Mages of Saruun. The masked mage returned the scepter, now thoroughly cleaned and polished. The dirt and grime peeled away, the trinket appeared to be made out of ivory. He said the scepter was nothing extraordinary and could likely fetch no more than 10 gold to the right bidder.
With the support of the rest of the party, Shava traded the scepter to Gendar for 300 gold and some stunning revelations. Gendar told the group they were pawns of a larger plot they knew nothing of. He told them they were really sent to find the disenfranchised Cormyrn noble, Paldemar Spellkeeper. It seems Paldemar seeks to destroy Cormyr and has allied with the Black Fangs to plot against the kingdom. Gendar said that Cyric also backs Paldemar and has promised to aid him when the hour is at hand. Finally, Gendar revealed the most stunning news of all: Paldemar recently visited the Mages of Saruun. A battle ensued for unknown reasons and Paldemar slew all the mages. But one. Before the party left, Gendar requested the adventurers look for a statue of Baphomet and the Eyes of the Broken Dragon.
On his way back to fetching the contracted map from Rendell, Queequeg was approached by a fellow dragonborn named Surina. She told the warlord she had been tracking the party and that she knew they meant to assault the Well of Demons. She seem consumed by rage and hatred for the Black Fangs, making Queequeg wary of her. Nevertheless, she told him she would meet the party at the entrance to the Deep Stairs when they set out.
Phat Lewt(z):
+2 Robe of Eyes
Line(s) of the Night:
"He may not have to suffer your ass." - Craig, misspeaking "acid damage" for "ass."
"I'm only slow when I want to be." - Sean, in his best Barry White voice.
"Sounds like my kind of man!" - Megan, on a potential male prospect.
"What, breathing?" - Simon, in response.
An hour later, a crossbow bolt came whizzing past the party, clattering harmlessly against the hold's stone wall. The Bloodreavers agreed to the Victor's terms, though amended the time it would take them to vacate to a week. Gilic spoke for the party, finalizing the deal, insisting the Bloodreaver send over the slaves immediately. A sorry pack of humanoids trudged into view soon after, three humans and a goblin. The goblin wasted little time asserting himself, gesturing widely and chattering in his native tongue. As no one spoke goblin, Cedric conjured a spell and began translating what proved to be mostly incoherent babbling. The goblin suddenly shrieked and pointed! All eyes looked as the goblin moved to grab Cedric's sheathed dagger. Taegahn almost yawned as he emptied two arrows into the wretch.
The other slaves, human Cormyrians, stared in abject horror, though they were assured the same fate did not await them. One of the slaves, a weathered miner, reported that the Bloodreavers has been particularly active lately, gathering more than twenty slaves the past week alone. He and the others knew little else, but assured VoSFK an award awaited them if they provided safe passage back to the Seven Pillar Halls and the Deep Gem Mining Company.
The party gathered their gear and set out back to the Halls. Along the way, a mob of monsters slid out of hidden panels and attacked the adventurers. A fire drake and three bugbears attacked from the front, an ettercap from the back. The latter spewed warm webbing all over the tightly bunched party, immobilizing Shava and Queequeg and making movement more difficult for everyone else. Cedric sprayed sizzling acid on the drakes and bugbears, while Taegahn fired into the chittering ettercap. Gareth absorbed three separate mighty blows from blunt bugbear weaponry and then returned as good as he got. The slobbering monsters fell dead like dominos in a parlor game and the party traveled the rest of the way unmolested.
The Victors first stopped at the Deep Gem Mining Company office. Rejoiced at the return of his employees, the old dwarf Uthlin gave each party member a heavy amethyst gem. As the adventuerers made to leave, Uthlin asked that they keep their eyes open for his prized boar, Uthlik, who followed some of his miners out into the Underdark, but never returned. Taegahn snickered when Uthlin proudly intimated that Uthlik meant "little son" in dwarven. The elf muttered under his breath that the name more likely translated into "pig-fucker."
"Eh, what's that you say elf?" Uthlin bellowed.
"Oh, nothing!" chimed Taegahn musically.
Uthlin glowered, sure he'd been insulted but uncertain what was said. Cedric, meanwhile, shook his head and said, "A boar roaming the tunnels of Underdark? Let me stop by the nearest butcher and bring you back a rack of ham for surely the denizens of Underdark feast well on bacon this night."
"Why you little bastard! Uthlik's alive I tell you! He's a smart pig, smarter than you I dare say! Smells better too!" Uthlin hollered, lunging a hard right hook that landed heavily on the side of Cedric's face. The rest of the party quickly ushered out its two diplomats before more could be said, assuring Uthlin they would look for his lost pig.
On the way out, the drow merchant Gendar motioned to Shava. The cleric warily approached. Gendar intimated that he knew the party recently acquired a skull-tipped scepter and that he would pay 200 gold and some information for it. Shava nodded curtly and his terms and said she would get back to him. Upon hearing the drow desired to purchase the scepter, Orchid plotted that the group sell it to him, kill him, then take the scepter back.
The party next visited the Mages of Saruun. As always, the mage representative appeared after uttering the word "justice," hidden behind a golden mask and flanked by a bronze minotaur. The mage nodded acknowledge that the Bloodreavers had been dismantled but indicated that a new problem had emerged: the Black Fang gnolls. Reaching deep into a small bag, he withdrew a robe covered with alternating blinking eyes and offered it as a down payment for an assault on the Black Fangs. The party agreed. Cedric donned the robe, with Queequeg trying to poke out some of the eyes. Shava asked the mage to examine the skull-tipped scepter and he agreed.
Queegueg broke from the party, making his way to the Halfmoon Inn. Inside, he once again procured the map drafting skills of Rendell. Rendell agreed to make the map, but cautioned the dragonborn not to find the Black Fang lair, ominously known as the Well of Demons. In his many studies, Queequeg had read of the Well. In the days of old, an order of monastic monks tested applicants at the well; success welcomed them into the fold, failure embraced death. History told the minotaurs worshipped Baphomet.
Later that day, Cedric performed a ritual, summoning the Hand of Fate. He asked three questions of it, one concerning the skull-tipped scepter and the other about the singularity the party was sent to investigate. The Hand provided little helpful information. At the same time, Shava returned to the Mages of Saruun. The masked mage returned the scepter, now thoroughly cleaned and polished. The dirt and grime peeled away, the trinket appeared to be made out of ivory. He said the scepter was nothing extraordinary and could likely fetch no more than 10 gold to the right bidder.
With the support of the rest of the party, Shava traded the scepter to Gendar for 300 gold and some stunning revelations. Gendar told the group they were pawns of a larger plot they knew nothing of. He told them they were really sent to find the disenfranchised Cormyrn noble, Paldemar Spellkeeper. It seems Paldemar seeks to destroy Cormyr and has allied with the Black Fangs to plot against the kingdom. Gendar said that Cyric also backs Paldemar and has promised to aid him when the hour is at hand. Finally, Gendar revealed the most stunning news of all: Paldemar recently visited the Mages of Saruun. A battle ensued for unknown reasons and Paldemar slew all the mages. But one. Before the party left, Gendar requested the adventurers look for a statue of Baphomet and the Eyes of the Broken Dragon.
On his way back to fetching the contracted map from Rendell, Queequeg was approached by a fellow dragonborn named Surina. She told the warlord she had been tracking the party and that she knew they meant to assault the Well of Demons. She seem consumed by rage and hatred for the Black Fangs, making Queequeg wary of her. Nevertheless, she told him she would meet the party at the entrance to the Deep Stairs when they set out.
Phat Lewt(z):
+2 Robe of Eyes
Line(s) of the Night:
"He may not have to suffer your ass." - Craig, misspeaking "acid damage" for "ass."
"I'm only slow when I want to be." - Sean, in his best Barry White voice.
"Sounds like my kind of man!" - Megan, on a potential male prospect.
"What, breathing?" - Simon, in response.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Assault First, Negotiate Later
The room calmed for a moment before a distant clatter came to ear through the locked doors. Gareth braced himself while yelling back to the rest of the party, "Incoming!"
As if on cue, a duergar mounted on a giant wolf burst through the door and tore into VoSFK's ranks. The mounted duergar held a flaming poker in one hand, a war hammer in the other. In the midst of the party's ranks, he shouted, "Glimmerzuhl!" and bouts of hot flaming burned the party with magical intensity.
They were followed by another mounted pair, flanked by three howling orcs. Taegahn thrust his nose in the air and inhaled deeply. He then tilted his head askew, listening. Notching an arrow he said, "Though much more used to the heavenly scent of my personally arranged floral arrangements, I nevertheless detect additional foes that my ears and nose hear and smell, but my eyes fail to see. Tred carefully my most dearest friends."
The party tred, though indelicately. The fight was a bloody affair and before it was over, both Gareth and Queequeg and fallen, the former twice. If not for the combined healing efforts of Shava and Gilic, the two would likely never had arisen again. The worgs used as mounts were a mated pair, and together the two let out synchronous howls that made party members hesitate, if only for a few precious seconds. As Taegahn had intimated earlier, a pair of orcs suddenly blinked into the middle of the battle, crossbows in hand. They unloaded a vicious attack before easing back into the shadows. One a time, the worgs fell. Unmounted, the dwarven riders proved equally lethal. They too fell eventually. Soon, the cloaked crossbowman and shock troops joined their comrades as still heaps on the granite floor.
The party rested next for their weariness was nearly as great as their hunger and thirst. Some hours later, they heard a knock on the door, now barricaded. Queequeg slid the obstruction aside and peeked out. A lone duergar stood waiting. The dragonborn quickly opened the door, grabbed the dwarf by his beard, and wrenched him inside. The duergar howled in protest as the party circled around.
The dwarf claimed to be a messenger, sent for having lost this section of the larger keep. He asked the party why they attacked, to which no one gave a good answer. Next, he asked the party's terms. After much haggling, the dwarf agreed to send message to his superior the party's requirements for a peaceful conclusion to the Horned Hold assault: that the slavers release all currently enslaved Cormyrians, abandon Horned Hold, and cease attacks on Cormyrian interests. The dwarf sighed with resignation while he wrote the bullet points to paper. Attaching the treatise to a bolt, he shot the terms across the expanse to an opposite hold.
Phat Lewtz:
None /cry
Line(s) of the Night:
"So I can tie you up AND whip you." - Megan, enjoying the idea of employing both options on Simon? Blake maybe?
"Did you just have an elfgasm?" - Sean to Blake after Blake moaned with ectasy from pure elfy roleplaying joy.
The room calmed for a moment before a distant clatter came to ear through the locked doors. Gareth braced himself while yelling back to the rest of the party, "Incoming!"
As if on cue, a duergar mounted on a giant wolf burst through the door and tore into VoSFK's ranks. The mounted duergar held a flaming poker in one hand, a war hammer in the other. In the midst of the party's ranks, he shouted, "Glimmerzuhl!" and bouts of hot flaming burned the party with magical intensity.
They were followed by another mounted pair, flanked by three howling orcs. Taegahn thrust his nose in the air and inhaled deeply. He then tilted his head askew, listening. Notching an arrow he said, "Though much more used to the heavenly scent of my personally arranged floral arrangements, I nevertheless detect additional foes that my ears and nose hear and smell, but my eyes fail to see. Tred carefully my most dearest friends."
The party tred, though indelicately. The fight was a bloody affair and before it was over, both Gareth and Queequeg and fallen, the former twice. If not for the combined healing efforts of Shava and Gilic, the two would likely never had arisen again. The worgs used as mounts were a mated pair, and together the two let out synchronous howls that made party members hesitate, if only for a few precious seconds. As Taegahn had intimated earlier, a pair of orcs suddenly blinked into the middle of the battle, crossbows in hand. They unloaded a vicious attack before easing back into the shadows. One a time, the worgs fell. Unmounted, the dwarven riders proved equally lethal. They too fell eventually. Soon, the cloaked crossbowman and shock troops joined their comrades as still heaps on the granite floor.
The party rested next for their weariness was nearly as great as their hunger and thirst. Some hours later, they heard a knock on the door, now barricaded. Queequeg slid the obstruction aside and peeked out. A lone duergar stood waiting. The dragonborn quickly opened the door, grabbed the dwarf by his beard, and wrenched him inside. The duergar howled in protest as the party circled around.
The dwarf claimed to be a messenger, sent for having lost this section of the larger keep. He asked the party why they attacked, to which no one gave a good answer. Next, he asked the party's terms. After much haggling, the dwarf agreed to send message to his superior the party's requirements for a peaceful conclusion to the Horned Hold assault: that the slavers release all currently enslaved Cormyrians, abandon Horned Hold, and cease attacks on Cormyrian interests. The dwarf sighed with resignation while he wrote the bullet points to paper. Attaching the treatise to a bolt, he shot the terms across the expanse to an opposite hold.
Phat Lewtz:
None /cry
Line(s) of the Night:
"So I can tie you up AND whip you." - Megan, enjoying the idea of employing both options on Simon? Blake maybe?
"Did you just have an elfgasm?" - Sean to Blake after Blake moaned with ectasy from pure elfy roleplaying joy.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Assault on The Horned Hold
The Victors of Shadowfell Keep reassembled and then set out through the dank tunnels of the Underdark. With a crude map as guide, they stumbled past narrow passages, dripping ponds, and tall stalagmites. At a curve in the path, they party stumbled upon a fiery being leading a group of lizard-like humanoids up the opposite direction. Gilic started to cluck a hailing greeting when the flying man of fire signaled to his followers to attack.
The troglodytes charged into the parting at alarming speed, cutting through front line and making way directly to Cedric. The mage defended himself well, unleashing a torrent of spell work upon his foes. He ultimately fell, though revived by Shava. The battle quickly broke into two front, with Gareth and Gilic fighting the angel of valor while the rest of the party focused on the troglodytes. As the last troglodyte fell, the angel of valor surveyed the carnage and flew off up the tunnel.
VoSFK rested before pressing on. Three hours late, they saw light at the mouth of an impending cavern. Taegahn stealthily scoped out way lay ahead: a massive gate house, guarded by joking but alert orcs. Orchid snuck to the gate and managed to pick the lock unnoticed. Gareth crept to her side and on signal, pushed the gate open and charged forth. The orcs recovered from the shock of the opening door quickly and the ensuing battle was pitched. The adventurers quickly tore into the five orc guards and felled all except for one who managed to step into the only other door in the guard house. An audible click sounded behind him.
Phat Lewtz:
None :(
Quote(s) of the Night:
"Quote board!" - Megan, repeatedly trying to add to the quote board.
"What's between us? A gulf of hatred." - Blake to Craig, after Craig told a "what's between us" chicken joke.
"Only if it's Craig's forehead." - Megan, on if Taegahn can jump and stick to a wall.
"That's a fresca not a wet rag. You are god awful at this." - Blake on Craig's map skills, as the two continue bickering like a cute old married couple.
Baked Good(s) of the Night:
Megan's Pumpkin Pie Crunch:
The Victors of Shadowfell Keep reassembled and then set out through the dank tunnels of the Underdark. With a crude map as guide, they stumbled past narrow passages, dripping ponds, and tall stalagmites. At a curve in the path, they party stumbled upon a fiery being leading a group of lizard-like humanoids up the opposite direction. Gilic started to cluck a hailing greeting when the flying man of fire signaled to his followers to attack.
The troglodytes charged into the parting at alarming speed, cutting through front line and making way directly to Cedric. The mage defended himself well, unleashing a torrent of spell work upon his foes. He ultimately fell, though revived by Shava. The battle quickly broke into two front, with Gareth and Gilic fighting the angel of valor while the rest of the party focused on the troglodytes. As the last troglodyte fell, the angel of valor surveyed the carnage and flew off up the tunnel.
VoSFK rested before pressing on. Three hours late, they saw light at the mouth of an impending cavern. Taegahn stealthily scoped out way lay ahead: a massive gate house, guarded by joking but alert orcs. Orchid snuck to the gate and managed to pick the lock unnoticed. Gareth crept to her side and on signal, pushed the gate open and charged forth. The orcs recovered from the shock of the opening door quickly and the ensuing battle was pitched. The adventurers quickly tore into the five orc guards and felled all except for one who managed to step into the only other door in the guard house. An audible click sounded behind him.
Phat Lewtz:
None :(
Quote(s) of the Night:
"Quote board!" - Megan, repeatedly trying to add to the quote board.
"What's between us? A gulf of hatred." - Blake to Craig, after Craig told a "what's between us" chicken joke.
"Only if it's Craig's forehead." - Megan, on if Taegahn can jump and stick to a wall.
"That's a fresca not a wet rag. You are god awful at this." - Blake on Craig's map skills, as the two continue bickering like a cute old married couple.
Baked Good(s) of the Night:
Megan's Pumpkin Pie Crunch:
Saturday, November 22, 2008
And . . . We're Off Again
Some are camping, others are throwing a nekkid LAN party for Left 4 Dead. I don't quite understand the appeal of playing a zombie first person shooter nekkid because I know first hand there won't be any hot chicks present.
But anyway, no session this week.
But anyway, no session this week.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Back on the Attack!
After raiding the Chamber of Eyes and dismantling the slaver organization, Bloodreavers, VoSFK searched the den and found information that implicated Grimmerzhul's, a trading post in the The Seven-Pillared Hall. Upon returning to the Hall, the group met with a representative of the Mages of Saruun. Upon reading the intel describing Grimmerzhul duergar trading goods for slaves, the Mage representative charged VoSFK with the task of storming Grimmerzhul.
The adventurers made haste to plan. But a single plan couldn't be agreed upon. Cedric mentioned using a knock ritual to unlock a door and sneak in by night. Many others advocated a blunt assault. Taegahn offered to scope the trading post out first and since a plan could not be readily agreed upon, the ranger set out.
Taegahn avoided the main building, instead spying a nearby tunnel. As he got closer to its entrance, four duergar guards came into view. Undaunted, Taegahn approached them and said, "Hail. Where does this tunnel lead."
"It leads to your timely demise. I'd like nothing more than to see a fancy pants like yourself chopped down a few notches, but that's play. And I'm working right now."
"So, the tunnel leads to Grimmerzhul?" the ranger persisted.
The lead dwarf hocked a wad of pleghm and shot it at Taegahn's feet, hitting his boot square. Taegahn looked down at the spittle and then back at the duergar. "You spat on me."
The duergar hocked again, hitting Taegahn's companion boot. "You'll rue your actions this day, friend," Taegahn said.
"Huh?" the duergar grunted, not following Taegahn's eloquence.
"I'll not suffer your spittle upon my newly shined combat boots."
"What?" the duergar grunted again.
"What I'm saying is I'm going to shoot you in the face," Taegahn enunciated slowly and clearly. He then turned and paced back a good distance before pivoting while donning his bow. He let loose an arrow aimed at the spitting dwarf, but missed widely. The dwarf hooted loudly as his companions took a few steps back, activating a lever. A steel portcullis came crashing down in response, blocking the tunnel entrance. The spatting dwarf taunted, "What ya doing now, bow boy?" The other dwarfs reared back in laughter.
Taegahn returned to the rest of the party, who were busy milling around in front of Grimmerzhul's like grazing cattle. A lone duergar eyed them suspiciously. Taegahn summarized his encounter with the duergar guards. Shava listened intently as her brother described his humiliation. Her tiny fists clenched and before anyone in the party could react, she turned to the duergar guarding the trading post, pointed at him, and uttered a single commanding word that brought the guard to his knees. The party stared in surprise and then executed plan B: storm Grimmerzhul's by bashing its door down and killing whatever resided within.
Gareth arrived at the door first. He paused for a moment and tested the door handle. It gave way, clearly unlocked. The fighter flung the door open wide to reveal four readied duergard led by a dwarven woman. Orchid stepped alongside Gareth, scoping out the situation. Gilic let looses a battle cry, but choked on it when he inhaled a passing insect; he ran through Gareth straight into the room, marking most of the dwarves, daring them to attack. Cedric unleashed a ray of frost on the prone dwarven guard while Queequeg ran completely past him; the tactical warlord completely missed the duergar's presence, exposing his flank as he focused on Grimmerzhul's. Shava ran towards the post, stopping behind Orchid.
The dwarven leader, Kedhira, pointed at Orchid. The rogue felt pain ripple through her and found herself suddenly teleported directly beside the woman dwarf. A swordmage! The other duergar helped tear into the hapless rogue, who did all she could to backpedal herself away from the carnage. Gilic and Gareth meanwhile pushed into the front as best they could, while Cedric and Taegahn continued attacking the prone duergard outside. The latter rose up and stepped towards Queequeg whose back was to him. He shook his head briskly, firing prickly barbs out his beard that tore into the dragonborn warlord. Queequeg felt woozy, his body felt on fire where the barbs landed. Kedhira teleported Orchid beside her again in a mist of blinding pain. Cedric ignored the duergar outside, instead moving towards the post and casting sleep. Orchid slumbered peacefully along with a duergar. Meanwhile, Taegahn dropped the guard outside, strode into Grimmerzhul's, killed the remaining upright duergar inside, and only came to a halt after resting his boot upon the chest of the remaining sleeping guard.
"Wipe clean my boot, curr!" he shrieked.
The battle over, the party attempted to interrogate the last duergar. The questioning ended with Taegahn putting an arrow in the dwarf's head. Searching Grimmerzhul's, the party found various high quality weapons in stock and a note. The note inside mentioned Horned Hold and requested additional provisions to better feed the "new merchandise." The party took the evidence to the Mages who asked the party to pursue the duergar to the Hold, deep in the Underdark. They also handed Shava a glimmering mace as reward for services rendered.
Phat Lewtz:
+2 Holy Healer's Weapon - Shava
Line(s) of the Night:
"What I'm saying is I'm going to shoot you in the face." - Blake, speaking to a dwarf guard who had trouble understanding Taegahn's previous subtle innuendo.
"What ya doin' now, bow boy?" Craig, responding as the same dwarven guard when Taegahn shoots at him and misses.
"It'll be coming out his bush." - Craig, talking about Gilic's potential to shoot pointy barbs from out his thick beard.
Baked Good of the Night:
Castle Bundt Cake. Yup, it was chocolate and shaped like a castle. Megan fretted that it didn't taste good, but my slice was scrumptious.
After raiding the Chamber of Eyes and dismantling the slaver organization, Bloodreavers, VoSFK searched the den and found information that implicated Grimmerzhul's, a trading post in the The Seven-Pillared Hall. Upon returning to the Hall, the group met with a representative of the Mages of Saruun. Upon reading the intel describing Grimmerzhul duergar trading goods for slaves, the Mage representative charged VoSFK with the task of storming Grimmerzhul.
The adventurers made haste to plan. But a single plan couldn't be agreed upon. Cedric mentioned using a knock ritual to unlock a door and sneak in by night. Many others advocated a blunt assault. Taegahn offered to scope the trading post out first and since a plan could not be readily agreed upon, the ranger set out.
Taegahn avoided the main building, instead spying a nearby tunnel. As he got closer to its entrance, four duergar guards came into view. Undaunted, Taegahn approached them and said, "Hail. Where does this tunnel lead."
"It leads to your timely demise. I'd like nothing more than to see a fancy pants like yourself chopped down a few notches, but that's play. And I'm working right now."
"So, the tunnel leads to Grimmerzhul?" the ranger persisted.
The lead dwarf hocked a wad of pleghm and shot it at Taegahn's feet, hitting his boot square. Taegahn looked down at the spittle and then back at the duergar. "You spat on me."
The duergar hocked again, hitting Taegahn's companion boot. "You'll rue your actions this day, friend," Taegahn said.
"Huh?" the duergar grunted, not following Taegahn's eloquence.
"I'll not suffer your spittle upon my newly shined combat boots."
"What?" the duergar grunted again.
"What I'm saying is I'm going to shoot you in the face," Taegahn enunciated slowly and clearly. He then turned and paced back a good distance before pivoting while donning his bow. He let loose an arrow aimed at the spitting dwarf, but missed widely. The dwarf hooted loudly as his companions took a few steps back, activating a lever. A steel portcullis came crashing down in response, blocking the tunnel entrance. The spatting dwarf taunted, "What ya doing now, bow boy?" The other dwarfs reared back in laughter.
Taegahn returned to the rest of the party, who were busy milling around in front of Grimmerzhul's like grazing cattle. A lone duergar eyed them suspiciously. Taegahn summarized his encounter with the duergar guards. Shava listened intently as her brother described his humiliation. Her tiny fists clenched and before anyone in the party could react, she turned to the duergar guarding the trading post, pointed at him, and uttered a single commanding word that brought the guard to his knees. The party stared in surprise and then executed plan B: storm Grimmerzhul's by bashing its door down and killing whatever resided within.
Gareth arrived at the door first. He paused for a moment and tested the door handle. It gave way, clearly unlocked. The fighter flung the door open wide to reveal four readied duergard led by a dwarven woman. Orchid stepped alongside Gareth, scoping out the situation. Gilic let looses a battle cry, but choked on it when he inhaled a passing insect; he ran through Gareth straight into the room, marking most of the dwarves, daring them to attack. Cedric unleashed a ray of frost on the prone dwarven guard while Queequeg ran completely past him; the tactical warlord completely missed the duergar's presence, exposing his flank as he focused on Grimmerzhul's. Shava ran towards the post, stopping behind Orchid.
The dwarven leader, Kedhira, pointed at Orchid. The rogue felt pain ripple through her and found herself suddenly teleported directly beside the woman dwarf. A swordmage! The other duergar helped tear into the hapless rogue, who did all she could to backpedal herself away from the carnage. Gilic and Gareth meanwhile pushed into the front as best they could, while Cedric and Taegahn continued attacking the prone duergard outside. The latter rose up and stepped towards Queequeg whose back was to him. He shook his head briskly, firing prickly barbs out his beard that tore into the dragonborn warlord. Queequeg felt woozy, his body felt on fire where the barbs landed. Kedhira teleported Orchid beside her again in a mist of blinding pain. Cedric ignored the duergar outside, instead moving towards the post and casting sleep. Orchid slumbered peacefully along with a duergar. Meanwhile, Taegahn dropped the guard outside, strode into Grimmerzhul's, killed the remaining upright duergar inside, and only came to a halt after resting his boot upon the chest of the remaining sleeping guard.
"Wipe clean my boot, curr!" he shrieked.
The battle over, the party attempted to interrogate the last duergar. The questioning ended with Taegahn putting an arrow in the dwarf's head. Searching Grimmerzhul's, the party found various high quality weapons in stock and a note. The note inside mentioned Horned Hold and requested additional provisions to better feed the "new merchandise." The party took the evidence to the Mages who asked the party to pursue the duergar to the Hold, deep in the Underdark. They also handed Shava a glimmering mace as reward for services rendered.
Phat Lewtz:
+2 Holy Healer's Weapon - Shava
Line(s) of the Night:
"What I'm saying is I'm going to shoot you in the face." - Blake, speaking to a dwarf guard who had trouble understanding Taegahn's previous subtle innuendo.
"What ya doin' now, bow boy?" Craig, responding as the same dwarven guard when Taegahn shoots at him and misses.
"It'll be coming out his bush." - Craig, talking about Gilic's potential to shoot pointy barbs from out his thick beard.
Baked Good of the Night:
Castle Bundt Cake. Yup, it was chocolate and shaped like a castle. Megan fretted that it didn't taste good, but my slice was scrumptious.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Another Week Off for VoSFK
Shava is taking the week off to concentrate on assembling her cabinet team in preparation for Faerun's transfer of power. The newly "elected" Queen promises to rule the land with an iron fist . . . holding daisies and a puppy dog. Rumors abound that she's already named Orchid her Chief of Staff. When pressed about her choice for Secretary of Treasury, Shava promised to move with all deliberate haste, but mentioned no names. Gareth and Taegahn are said to be competing for the Secretary of Defense position.
We can only hope high adventure within the context of high fantasy will continue next week.
We can only hope high adventure within the context of high fantasy will continue next week.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
A Week Off
The Victors of Shadowfell Keep took the week off to celebrate Halloween and various other social activities.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
The Chamber of Eyes
The party entered The Chamber of Eyes, killed everything inside, and took all the treasure. Queequeg was named MVP and given all the loot.
Phat Lewtz:
Queequeg's Tier 6 Set
Line(s) of the Night:
"I miss James." - Blake, Craig, Jeff, Megan, Pati, Sean, and Simon
The party entered The Chamber of Eyes, killed everything inside, and took all the treasure. Queequeg was named MVP and given all the loot.
Phat Lewtz:
Queequeg's Tier 6 Set
Line(s) of the Night:
"I miss James." - Blake, Craig, Jeff, Megan, Pati, Sean, and Simon
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Foray into the Chamber of Eyes
The party moved deep into the chamber, discovering a side door and a passageway splitting left and right. Orchid checked the side door, hearing nothing and discerning no traps. Gareth burst into a rectangle shaped bathroom. A statue against the far wall depicted a half woman and serpent monster, centered in the middle of a spa. The murky water looked neither warm nor inviting. A partitioned wall in the center of the room obscured line of sight. Otherwise, the room was empty.
The adventurers backtracked and turned right. Orchid leaned against the door at the end of the hallway, but heard and discovered nothing. Gareth against shouldered his weight against the door. The door flew open, revealing a pack of hobgoblins and humans in the midst of a poker game. A gleaming scimitar and stacks of gems and gold piled high on their gaming table. Three goblin archers could be seen in a back chamber. Upon the party entering, they slid out of view.
The hobgoblins and humans roared at the party, rising from the table and reaching for swords and weapons. They soon surrounded Gareth. Gareth took a commanding stance and rained cold steel at all who came at him. Gilic rushed to Gareth side, providing flanking assistance. Shava eased into the fray, calling forth a holy glow that damaged foes and invigorated friends. Cedric let forth a scorching blast that burned multiple enemies. Taegahn took aim, mostly missing. A stray arrow that did find a target tore into a hobgoblin with devastating effect. Orchid pursued the pack of archer goblins hidden in the back of the room, spraying them with a cloud of gleaming shirkens.
Too soon, the last humanoid fell. The party searched the room and gathered the loot. They discussed who should get the sword, but put that decision off for later.
The barracks proved a dead end, so the party tracked back the hallway and approached another closed door. Gareth again broke into the door. Two duergar shouted something in their language clearly met as a warning and Orchid could hear the sound of opening doors and retreating feet down a side hallway. Everyone closed with the duergar, but the fight was quick with the numbers so against the evil dwarves. When the last fell, Queequeg searched their bodies, but found only the chain armor they wore and the warhammers they wielded.
The adventurers turned their attention to the hallway from which they earlier had heard retreating footsteps. The passageway was disconcertingly quiet. The party approached a locked door that Orchid searched thoroughly. When she couldn't pick the door open, Gareth hefted his mighty axe and bit into the solid wood. A jolt of electricity coursed through his axe and up through his body when the weapon met the door. The party backed away carefully and instead turned their attention to a door further down the hallway.
The party stepped through that door and into a room covered with carvings and glyphs of eyes. The Chamber of Eyes.
Phat Lewtz:
+1 life drinking scimitar
Lines(s) of the Night:
"Taegahn attacks!" - Sean playing Blakes' character. Sean proceeded to roll a 1 and 2, missing his intended target and the broad side of the dungeon wall.
"Taegahn attacks!" - Sean playing Blakes' character. In a separate encounter, Sean proceeded to roll two 1s, missing the entire universe.
"I like how your staff is bent." - James, referring to Sean's miniature. Craig giggled and took another interpretation.
Baked Good(s) of the Night:
None. /hunger /sob /bawl
The party moved deep into the chamber, discovering a side door and a passageway splitting left and right. Orchid checked the side door, hearing nothing and discerning no traps. Gareth burst into a rectangle shaped bathroom. A statue against the far wall depicted a half woman and serpent monster, centered in the middle of a spa. The murky water looked neither warm nor inviting. A partitioned wall in the center of the room obscured line of sight. Otherwise, the room was empty.
The adventurers backtracked and turned right. Orchid leaned against the door at the end of the hallway, but heard and discovered nothing. Gareth against shouldered his weight against the door. The door flew open, revealing a pack of hobgoblins and humans in the midst of a poker game. A gleaming scimitar and stacks of gems and gold piled high on their gaming table. Three goblin archers could be seen in a back chamber. Upon the party entering, they slid out of view.
The hobgoblins and humans roared at the party, rising from the table and reaching for swords and weapons. They soon surrounded Gareth. Gareth took a commanding stance and rained cold steel at all who came at him. Gilic rushed to Gareth side, providing flanking assistance. Shava eased into the fray, calling forth a holy glow that damaged foes and invigorated friends. Cedric let forth a scorching blast that burned multiple enemies. Taegahn took aim, mostly missing. A stray arrow that did find a target tore into a hobgoblin with devastating effect. Orchid pursued the pack of archer goblins hidden in the back of the room, spraying them with a cloud of gleaming shirkens.
Too soon, the last humanoid fell. The party searched the room and gathered the loot. They discussed who should get the sword, but put that decision off for later.
The barracks proved a dead end, so the party tracked back the hallway and approached another closed door. Gareth again broke into the door. Two duergar shouted something in their language clearly met as a warning and Orchid could hear the sound of opening doors and retreating feet down a side hallway. Everyone closed with the duergar, but the fight was quick with the numbers so against the evil dwarves. When the last fell, Queequeg searched their bodies, but found only the chain armor they wore and the warhammers they wielded.
The adventurers turned their attention to the hallway from which they earlier had heard retreating footsteps. The passageway was disconcertingly quiet. The party approached a locked door that Orchid searched thoroughly. When she couldn't pick the door open, Gareth hefted his mighty axe and bit into the solid wood. A jolt of electricity coursed through his axe and up through his body when the weapon met the door. The party backed away carefully and instead turned their attention to a door further down the hallway.
The party stepped through that door and into a room covered with carvings and glyphs of eyes. The Chamber of Eyes.
Phat Lewtz:
+1 life drinking scimitar
Lines(s) of the Night:
"Taegahn attacks!" - Sean playing Blakes' character. Sean proceeded to roll a 1 and 2, missing his intended target and the broad side of the dungeon wall.
"Taegahn attacks!" - Sean playing Blakes' character. In a separate encounter, Sean proceeded to roll two 1s, missing the entire universe.
"I like how your staff is bent." - James, referring to Sean's miniature. Craig giggled and took another interpretation.
Baked Good(s) of the Night:
None. /hunger /sob /bawl
Saturday, October 11, 2008
The Seven Pillar Hall
Gilic barged into the chamber, holding out a money purse and bellowing, "Aye, I've got 20 gold for your wee slave there. I've need of a good porter and that one will serve nicely." The hobgoblin slavers glanced at each other and then at their two leaders towards the back of the room.
The two robed leaders paused for just a moment before sneering at Gilic. "Who said anything about a slave? You've got the wrong room dwarf. Best take yourself and that mop you call a beard right back out the door you came from before someone gets hurt."
Gilic didn't seem to register either the threat or the insult. "You can't fool me, laddy. I overheard you deciding the fate of this hear slave as my friends and I passed by. You suspect to get 10 gold for the whelp. I offer 20." He held the coin purse higher and shook it back and forth, producing a heavy jingling sound.
The leaders gave each other a knowing look and then murmured low, "20 gold. And a 5 gold processing fee."
"Done." Gilic reached into the purse, deftly withdrew a handful of coins and threw the rest at the nearest hobgoblin. He turned to the halfing and grabbed him roughly by the arm. "Come with me, boy. I've got a pack with your name all over it, I do. You've had a nice vacation with this lot, but fun time is over. High time you did some real work." The hafling began to protest but Gilic shoved him roughly and stifled his complaint. Orchid smiled at him toothily, forcing the halfing to chuckle nervously.
The party took their leave of the room and moved a ways down the passageway before stopping to talk to their new purchase. The hafling introduced himself as Rindall Halfmoon of the Seven Pillar Hall, the son of Erra Halfmoon. Rendall tracked down the hobgoblin slavers to collect on the extensive bar tab they ran at his mother's inn and tavern, the Halfmoon Inn. Grateful for his rescue, Rendall was a veritable fountain of information. He told the party that the Mages of Saruun rule Seven Pillar Hall and much of Thunderspire Labyrinth. The Mages employ Brug, an ogre, as their chief enforcer of law and order in Thunderspire. The Mages outlawed slavery, forcing the Bloodreavers to the outskirts of Thunderspire, a den known as the Chamber of Eyes. Rendall opined that the Mages didn't forbid slavery from moral qualms, but because the Bloodreavers refused to pay a cut of their earnings. Rendall offered to escort the party to the Seven Pillar Hall and the Halfmoon Inn to stay as his guests. The party agreed.
Upon arriving, Rindall gave a full tour the Hall, a massive cavern carved out in the middle of an ancient mountain. Numerous landmarks were pointed out, including a raging river slicing through the middle of the cavern, complete with thundering waterfall; numerous shops and provisioners; a massive 30ft tall minotaur statue with a set of crackling runes at its foot; a Temple of Torm and; a second tavern, Rothar's Tap Room.
Rindall next took the party to his mother's inn, the Halfmoon. Upon entering, the adventurers were greeted to a bustling tavern area, a massive ogre flanked by two human conspicuously sitting at the bar. The ogre thundered to no one in particular for another ale. He caught the party's movement in the corner of his eyes, turned his head slightly to take them in, and then smiled broadly, unleashing a deep, rumbling chuckle as he said, "Newbies."
The ogre turned to fully face the party as his two human guards stepped ominously backwards. A knotted great club leaned against the bar next to him. The ogre continued to grin as he said, "I've naught see this lot in town before. Sean? Blake? You seen rabble here before?"
"No sir. They must just arrived," the two guards said in complete unison.
"Well, we must welcome them to the Seven Pillar Halls. Welcome, rabble!" The ogre paused a moment. A cough from the now subdued tavern crowd broke the silence.
"Welcome, rabble!" the ogre repeated. He continued, not waiting for a response, "As newly arrived, you likely don't know about the entrance tax. We can't be everywhere at once when visitors step into our halls, but since we've stumbled into each other so fortuitously, I'll be collecting the gold per head right now.
He paused again as his grin began to fade. His face quickly hardened as he growled lowly, "That'll be seven gold."
Taegahn suddenly spoke, "I'm surprised you can even count to seven."
With surprising speed, the ogre grabbed hold of his great club as he leaped toward the party. He crammed his face into Taegahn's, his club held high above him. "What was that, elf? I don't think I heard you right."
Behind and out of sight of the ogre, Rindall flapped his arms and shook his head at the party. Taegahn inferred the implied message and squeaked to the ogre, "Uh, nothing sir." Gilic stepped forward and said, "Brug, I presume. 10 gold entrance tax? I have that right here, laddy."
Brug didn't move, instead moving closer to Taegahn, nose-to-nose. "I'm afraid the tax just went up. I didn't know you had a smartass in the party. That's extra. 5 gold per. Any other smartasses I need to assess?"
No one spoke. The ogre grunted approval, turning to Gilic. "15 gold, dwarf." He held out a paw of a hand. Gilic counted out the coin and Brug dropped it into a fold of his belt harness. "C'mon Sean and Blake, let's head over to Rother's. I can't take the stink of this place anymore today."
Rendall sighed deeply when the enforcers left, begging the party not to anger Brug and the Mages of Saruun anymore during their visit. After enjoying an ale or two and meeting Rindall's mother, Erra, the party excused themselves to a room in the inn so they could plan out their next move. After much discussion, the adventurers decided to travel through the Dragon's Door to the Chamber of Eyes, the well-known den of the Bloodreavers. After resting and marshaling their resolve, the party set out. Earlier, Queequeg commissioned Rindall to draw up a map leading to the door of the Chamber of Eyes.
Rindall's map proved worthy of the 5 gold it cost. It didn't take the party long to reach an ornate door, a great eye in its center, eye stalks flowing from it like rays of sunshine. Orchid heard guttural voices behind it, expertly picking the lock. Shava noted a balcony fifteen feet up to the left of the door. Queequeg and Gareth stepped up to the door and burst into it, revealing a squad of howling goblin beserkers. From the balcony outside, two bugbears came into viewing, climbing down and flanking the party from behind. The adventurers created to fronts, Queequeg and Gareth plowing into the goblins, while Gilic stepped up to the bugbears. Taegaghn shot through the doors and up a set of stairs into the balcony the bugbears had just vacated, unleashing a barrage of arrows into their backs. Gareth sliced into raging goblins, while Queequeg provide supplementing attacks and healing. Orchid flanked a bugbear effectively, but drew both their ire and paid dearly with a pounding attack. Shava healed her numerous times. Cedric split his attention between both combats, delivering withering area-of-effect attacks to the goblin beserkers. Finally, the last goblin and bugbear fell to the ground dead.
Phat Lewt(s):
Belt of Sacrifice
Line(s) of the Night:
"If you break that, I will kill you." - Megan to Jeff, as Jeff taps on a ceiling rafter.
"I want you to take care of it asshole." - Megan to Blake, when Blake asked how he should slide out his chair.
"Hobgoblitar!" - Blake, unintentionally inventing the name of James' next character.
"I'll show you my crotch rocket, bitch." - Simon to Craig, after Craig called Simon's motorcycle a crotch rocket.
"Do you remember that time you were really awesome?" - Sean to Blake.
"Is his name Mr. Wiggles?" - James, asking about Megan's flashlight pig.
"No, Mr. Wiggles takes batteries and hides under the bed." - Craig
Baked Good of the Night:
None. /hunger /sob /cry
Gilic barged into the chamber, holding out a money purse and bellowing, "Aye, I've got 20 gold for your wee slave there. I've need of a good porter and that one will serve nicely." The hobgoblin slavers glanced at each other and then at their two leaders towards the back of the room.
The two robed leaders paused for just a moment before sneering at Gilic. "Who said anything about a slave? You've got the wrong room dwarf. Best take yourself and that mop you call a beard right back out the door you came from before someone gets hurt."
Gilic didn't seem to register either the threat or the insult. "You can't fool me, laddy. I overheard you deciding the fate of this hear slave as my friends and I passed by. You suspect to get 10 gold for the whelp. I offer 20." He held the coin purse higher and shook it back and forth, producing a heavy jingling sound.
The leaders gave each other a knowing look and then murmured low, "20 gold. And a 5 gold processing fee."
"Done." Gilic reached into the purse, deftly withdrew a handful of coins and threw the rest at the nearest hobgoblin. He turned to the halfing and grabbed him roughly by the arm. "Come with me, boy. I've got a pack with your name all over it, I do. You've had a nice vacation with this lot, but fun time is over. High time you did some real work." The hafling began to protest but Gilic shoved him roughly and stifled his complaint. Orchid smiled at him toothily, forcing the halfing to chuckle nervously.
The party took their leave of the room and moved a ways down the passageway before stopping to talk to their new purchase. The hafling introduced himself as Rindall Halfmoon of the Seven Pillar Hall, the son of Erra Halfmoon. Rendall tracked down the hobgoblin slavers to collect on the extensive bar tab they ran at his mother's inn and tavern, the Halfmoon Inn. Grateful for his rescue, Rendall was a veritable fountain of information. He told the party that the Mages of Saruun rule Seven Pillar Hall and much of Thunderspire Labyrinth. The Mages employ Brug, an ogre, as their chief enforcer of law and order in Thunderspire. The Mages outlawed slavery, forcing the Bloodreavers to the outskirts of Thunderspire, a den known as the Chamber of Eyes. Rendall opined that the Mages didn't forbid slavery from moral qualms, but because the Bloodreavers refused to pay a cut of their earnings. Rendall offered to escort the party to the Seven Pillar Hall and the Halfmoon Inn to stay as his guests. The party agreed.
Upon arriving, Rindall gave a full tour the Hall, a massive cavern carved out in the middle of an ancient mountain. Numerous landmarks were pointed out, including a raging river slicing through the middle of the cavern, complete with thundering waterfall; numerous shops and provisioners; a massive 30ft tall minotaur statue with a set of crackling runes at its foot; a Temple of Torm and; a second tavern, Rothar's Tap Room.
Rindall next took the party to his mother's inn, the Halfmoon. Upon entering, the adventurers were greeted to a bustling tavern area, a massive ogre flanked by two human conspicuously sitting at the bar. The ogre thundered to no one in particular for another ale. He caught the party's movement in the corner of his eyes, turned his head slightly to take them in, and then smiled broadly, unleashing a deep, rumbling chuckle as he said, "Newbies."
The ogre turned to fully face the party as his two human guards stepped ominously backwards. A knotted great club leaned against the bar next to him. The ogre continued to grin as he said, "I've naught see this lot in town before. Sean? Blake? You seen rabble here before?"
"No sir. They must just arrived," the two guards said in complete unison.
"Well, we must welcome them to the Seven Pillar Halls. Welcome, rabble!" The ogre paused a moment. A cough from the now subdued tavern crowd broke the silence.
"Welcome, rabble!" the ogre repeated. He continued, not waiting for a response, "As newly arrived, you likely don't know about the entrance tax. We can't be everywhere at once when visitors step into our halls, but since we've stumbled into each other so fortuitously, I'll be collecting the gold per head right now.
He paused again as his grin began to fade. His face quickly hardened as he growled lowly, "That'll be seven gold."
Taegahn suddenly spoke, "I'm surprised you can even count to seven."
With surprising speed, the ogre grabbed hold of his great club as he leaped toward the party. He crammed his face into Taegahn's, his club held high above him. "What was that, elf? I don't think I heard you right."
Behind and out of sight of the ogre, Rindall flapped his arms and shook his head at the party. Taegahn inferred the implied message and squeaked to the ogre, "Uh, nothing sir." Gilic stepped forward and said, "Brug, I presume. 10 gold entrance tax? I have that right here, laddy."
Brug didn't move, instead moving closer to Taegahn, nose-to-nose. "I'm afraid the tax just went up. I didn't know you had a smartass in the party. That's extra. 5 gold per. Any other smartasses I need to assess?"
No one spoke. The ogre grunted approval, turning to Gilic. "15 gold, dwarf." He held out a paw of a hand. Gilic counted out the coin and Brug dropped it into a fold of his belt harness. "C'mon Sean and Blake, let's head over to Rother's. I can't take the stink of this place anymore today."
Rendall sighed deeply when the enforcers left, begging the party not to anger Brug and the Mages of Saruun anymore during their visit. After enjoying an ale or two and meeting Rindall's mother, Erra, the party excused themselves to a room in the inn so they could plan out their next move. After much discussion, the adventurers decided to travel through the Dragon's Door to the Chamber of Eyes, the well-known den of the Bloodreavers. After resting and marshaling their resolve, the party set out. Earlier, Queequeg commissioned Rindall to draw up a map leading to the door of the Chamber of Eyes.
Rindall's map proved worthy of the 5 gold it cost. It didn't take the party long to reach an ornate door, a great eye in its center, eye stalks flowing from it like rays of sunshine. Orchid heard guttural voices behind it, expertly picking the lock. Shava noted a balcony fifteen feet up to the left of the door. Queequeg and Gareth stepped up to the door and burst into it, revealing a squad of howling goblin beserkers. From the balcony outside, two bugbears came into viewing, climbing down and flanking the party from behind. The adventurers created to fronts, Queequeg and Gareth plowing into the goblins, while Gilic stepped up to the bugbears. Taegaghn shot through the doors and up a set of stairs into the balcony the bugbears had just vacated, unleashing a barrage of arrows into their backs. Gareth sliced into raging goblins, while Queequeg provide supplementing attacks and healing. Orchid flanked a bugbear effectively, but drew both their ire and paid dearly with a pounding attack. Shava healed her numerous times. Cedric split his attention between both combats, delivering withering area-of-effect attacks to the goblin beserkers. Finally, the last goblin and bugbear fell to the ground dead.
Phat Lewt(s):
Belt of Sacrifice
Line(s) of the Night:
"If you break that, I will kill you." - Megan to Jeff, as Jeff taps on a ceiling rafter.
"I want you to take care of it asshole." - Megan to Blake, when Blake asked how he should slide out his chair.
"Hobgoblitar!" - Blake, unintentionally inventing the name of James' next character.
"I'll show you my crotch rocket, bitch." - Simon to Craig, after Craig called Simon's motorcycle a crotch rocket.
"Do you remember that time you were really awesome?" - Sean to Blake.
"Is his name Mr. Wiggles?" - James, asking about Megan's flashlight pig.
"No, Mr. Wiggles takes batteries and hides under the bed." - Craig
Baked Good of the Night:
None. /hunger /sob /cry
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Owlbears and Entrails
The party finished outfitting themselves in preparation for the days journey to Thunderspire Labyrinth. They set out early in the morning on horseback, establishing a brisk but vigilant pace. In the middle of the afternoon of the first day, the adventurers came upon deep furrows parallel and perpendicular to the well-traveled road. Suspicious, they dismounted. After tying off the horses a safe distance away, Gareth approached a furrow. Suddenly, the ground shook violently. The nearby horses rose up in fear and the adventurers lurched back and forth trying to keep their balance. Some fell flat while a few maintained a precarious, upright stance.
At the very back of the line, Cedric fell flat on his back. Staring up into the blue afternoon sky, the tremoring rippled nearby him. A bullette exploded from the ground in front of Cedric and attacked the hapless wizard. The rest of the party closed in, forming a circle around the heavily armored beast. Orchid tumbled behind the bulette, distracting it enough to deal devastating damage to its softer underbelly. Gareth and Gilic formed a solid front, supplemented by Queequeg, while Taegahn and Shava fired from range. Cedric managed to disengage from range and rain icy cold upon the butette, damaging and immoblizing it. As many blows bounced off the creature's thick hide as actually landed, but eventually the bulette was vanquished.
That very night, in the throes of deep sleep, a mating pair of owlbears struck the slumbering camp. Gareth was immediately grabbed by the first monstrosity. Shava too fell victim to the second owlbear's attack. Both adventurers shouted out for help as their flesh was rend and their bones snapped. Shava nearly perished but for some careful healing on the part of Cedric, Gilic, and Queequeg. Taegahn fired nearly point blank into the owlbear grabbing Shava, separating the foul-smelling ursine from his gravely wounded sister.
At this point, Taegahn turned to Queequeg and said, "My friend Queequeg, I just noticed you're wearing hide armor now."
Queequeg swung and missed an owlbear just as it was sinking its clicking beak into the head of a screaming Gareth. "Indeed, Taegahan. I donned chain earlier in our adventures, but Gilic pointed out that the heavy nature of that --ACK! IT HAS YOUR ENTIRE HEAD IN ITS MAW, GARETH! ITS ABOUT TO EXPLODE LIKE A MELON! DIE, BEAR-THING, DIE!
Taegahn unleashed a flurry of arrows and said, "You were saying, the heavy nature of . . . "
Queequeg helped pry Gareth's head out of the owlbear's snapping beak. "Yes, quite right. Gilic pointed out that the heavy nature of chain mail unnaturally inhibited my innate tactical abilities. Though not nearly as tough, hide armor grants me better tactical maneuverability. I was reluctant at first but -- BY THE JUSTICE OF TORM, GARETH! YOUR GUTS LIE STREWN ALL OVER. AHHHHH! DON'T STEP ON THAT! HE MUST NEED THAT TO LIVE!
Taegahn calmly unleashed another volley of steel-tipped wood. "Interesting. Well, my dragonborn friend, it just so happens I wear a set of hide bloodcut armor. It's served me well so far, but is truly better suited for a melee type. Such as yourself. Afterwards, I would most like to trade armor with you, if you would be so inclined."
Holding Gareth's kidney in one hand, dripping sword in the other, Queequeg paused to look over at Taegahn. "Why my dear Taegahn, how extraordinarily generous of you my friend. Yes! I accept your generous offer."
Suddenly, the owlbears raised their beaks to the sky and shrieked a piercing cry, interrupting Queequeg and Taegahn's conversation and temporarily stunning Gilic and Shava. The rest of the party shook off the haunting cry and continued attacking the beasts. The monsters finally realized they were over matched and fled off into the woods. The next morning, the party tracked them to their lair. Badly wounded, the party finished off the adults and killed the younglings for good measure. Gilic donned a magical helmet found in the owlbear's nest.
The next day, the party entered the Storm Horn Mountains. Ominous dark clouds hovered overhead as the adventurers traversed narrowing mountain passes. Side trails splintered off in all directions, sometimes leading in entirely new directions, other times winding back. The main path led to a door in the side of the mountain. The party stepped through into a hallway of masonry and torchlight. The traveled some distance before they heard voices. They heard a guttural humanoid say loudly, "We could get five gold for this halfing, we could."
A smaller voice responded, "My good friend, I assure you I'm worth not even the clothes on my back. If I could just see my way past you and be on my way, I'd be in your debt."
The other laughed sharply, "I don't think so."
Gilic whispered, "Aye, I've got an idea. Let's enter the room, posing as the mercenary band were meant to be. We'll offer to buy the haflin' for ten gold, double that bloke's offer. If he agrees, the haflin' might have something interesting to tell us. If he doesn't, we might have something interesting to show them slavers."
Line(s) of the Night:
"That's important, give it back!" - Jeff, referring to the guts that a hungry owlbear just ripped out of him.
"Hey, way to spit all over your character sheet." - Craig, commenting on Blake slobbering over everything in front of him.
"Nothing came out of my nose yet!" - Craig noticing that Diet Coke wasn't spraying out of his nostrils while he laughed.
Baked Good of the Night:
Megan's molasses cookies. Yummy!
The party finished outfitting themselves in preparation for the days journey to Thunderspire Labyrinth. They set out early in the morning on horseback, establishing a brisk but vigilant pace. In the middle of the afternoon of the first day, the adventurers came upon deep furrows parallel and perpendicular to the well-traveled road. Suspicious, they dismounted. After tying off the horses a safe distance away, Gareth approached a furrow. Suddenly, the ground shook violently. The nearby horses rose up in fear and the adventurers lurched back and forth trying to keep their balance. Some fell flat while a few maintained a precarious, upright stance.
At the very back of the line, Cedric fell flat on his back. Staring up into the blue afternoon sky, the tremoring rippled nearby him. A bullette exploded from the ground in front of Cedric and attacked the hapless wizard. The rest of the party closed in, forming a circle around the heavily armored beast. Orchid tumbled behind the bulette, distracting it enough to deal devastating damage to its softer underbelly. Gareth and Gilic formed a solid front, supplemented by Queequeg, while Taegahn and Shava fired from range. Cedric managed to disengage from range and rain icy cold upon the butette, damaging and immoblizing it. As many blows bounced off the creature's thick hide as actually landed, but eventually the bulette was vanquished.
That very night, in the throes of deep sleep, a mating pair of owlbears struck the slumbering camp. Gareth was immediately grabbed by the first monstrosity. Shava too fell victim to the second owlbear's attack. Both adventurers shouted out for help as their flesh was rend and their bones snapped. Shava nearly perished but for some careful healing on the part of Cedric, Gilic, and Queequeg. Taegahn fired nearly point blank into the owlbear grabbing Shava, separating the foul-smelling ursine from his gravely wounded sister.
At this point, Taegahn turned to Queequeg and said, "My friend Queequeg, I just noticed you're wearing hide armor now."
Queequeg swung and missed an owlbear just as it was sinking its clicking beak into the head of a screaming Gareth. "Indeed, Taegahan. I donned chain earlier in our adventures, but Gilic pointed out that the heavy nature of that --ACK! IT HAS YOUR ENTIRE HEAD IN ITS MAW, GARETH! ITS ABOUT TO EXPLODE LIKE A MELON! DIE, BEAR-THING, DIE!
Taegahn unleashed a flurry of arrows and said, "You were saying, the heavy nature of . . . "
Queequeg helped pry Gareth's head out of the owlbear's snapping beak. "Yes, quite right. Gilic pointed out that the heavy nature of chain mail unnaturally inhibited my innate tactical abilities. Though not nearly as tough, hide armor grants me better tactical maneuverability. I was reluctant at first but -- BY THE JUSTICE OF TORM, GARETH! YOUR GUTS LIE STREWN ALL OVER. AHHHHH! DON'T STEP ON THAT! HE MUST NEED THAT TO LIVE!
Taegahn calmly unleashed another volley of steel-tipped wood. "Interesting. Well, my dragonborn friend, it just so happens I wear a set of hide bloodcut armor. It's served me well so far, but is truly better suited for a melee type. Such as yourself. Afterwards, I would most like to trade armor with you, if you would be so inclined."
Holding Gareth's kidney in one hand, dripping sword in the other, Queequeg paused to look over at Taegahn. "Why my dear Taegahn, how extraordinarily generous of you my friend. Yes! I accept your generous offer."
Suddenly, the owlbears raised their beaks to the sky and shrieked a piercing cry, interrupting Queequeg and Taegahn's conversation and temporarily stunning Gilic and Shava. The rest of the party shook off the haunting cry and continued attacking the beasts. The monsters finally realized they were over matched and fled off into the woods. The next morning, the party tracked them to their lair. Badly wounded, the party finished off the adults and killed the younglings for good measure. Gilic donned a magical helmet found in the owlbear's nest.
The next day, the party entered the Storm Horn Mountains. Ominous dark clouds hovered overhead as the adventurers traversed narrowing mountain passes. Side trails splintered off in all directions, sometimes leading in entirely new directions, other times winding back. The main path led to a door in the side of the mountain. The party stepped through into a hallway of masonry and torchlight. The traveled some distance before they heard voices. They heard a guttural humanoid say loudly, "We could get five gold for this halfing, we could."
A smaller voice responded, "My good friend, I assure you I'm worth not even the clothes on my back. If I could just see my way past you and be on my way, I'd be in your debt."
The other laughed sharply, "I don't think so."
Gilic whispered, "Aye, I've got an idea. Let's enter the room, posing as the mercenary band were meant to be. We'll offer to buy the haflin' for ten gold, double that bloke's offer. If he agrees, the haflin' might have something interesting to tell us. If he doesn't, we might have something interesting to show them slavers."
Line(s) of the Night:
"That's important, give it back!" - Jeff, referring to the guts that a hungry owlbear just ripped out of him.
"Hey, way to spit all over your character sheet." - Craig, commenting on Blake slobbering over everything in front of him.
"Nothing came out of my nose yet!" - Craig noticing that Diet Coke wasn't spraying out of his nostrils while he laughed.
Baked Good of the Night:
Megan's molasses cookies. Yummy!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Role-playing Bonanza!
The party rested from the dire wolf encounter and departed early the next morning. They were unmolested for the rest of the journey. When they finally rode into the city of Arabel, a crowd of children and spectators took quick notice. Hushed whispers, enthusiastic cheers, and steely gazes followed the adventurers as they wound their way through the packed streets of Arabel towards the gleaming glass tower of Tymora's Temple.
Queequeg noticed the crowd especially attentive to the novelty of a dragonborn in their midst. The children especially pointed at the warlord, their mouths hanging slack as they gibbered about scales and girth, talons and snout. Queequeg smiled to himself, tilted his head back, and unleashed a torrent of turquoise lightning into the sky straight above. The children and more cowardly adults scampered away only to peek their heads back at the retreating convoy and cheer their delight. Gilic himself chuckled, reaching into coin purse and flinging a handful of copper and silver to the adoring crowd. The children lunged for the shiny bits, one adult in particular elbowing a little girl in the face to grab a stray gold.
As the party approached the resplendent Temple of Tymora, Taegahan wondered aloud if the tower refracted the sun's rays enough to burn flesh and start fires. Entering the Temple, the adventurers were greeted with an unusual sight: tables and apparatus spread throughout a large chamber, all devoted to gambling. As the goddess of luck, Tymora relished games of chance and fully embraced them within her halls of worship. Hostess Ann greeted the party immediately, taking their drink orders and inviting them to gamble for a time. The party played a variety of games, including dragonbones. More money was lost than won, though Orchid walked away significantly richer than she arrived.
Not long after, Hostess Ann ushered the party into a more subdued, quieter antechamber. She informed the party that Sister Mary Margaret was currently at a meeting, but that she asked the adventurers to dine while they waited. They ate from an eclectic menu, including venison stew and mixed vegetables. Finally, Sister Margaret entered the room, addressing the party warmly. She listened intently to their brief summary of events surrounding Shadowfell Keep, her brow furrowed upon hearing the existence and demise of Kalarel. Sister Margaret smiled brightly at the end of their tale, congratulating them on a job well done. She motioned to Ann who handed each member a heavy coin purse.
"As grateful as I am to all of you for investigating and defeating the evil at the Keep, I'm afraid Cormyr still has need of you," Sister Margaret intoned. She explained that on behalf of Lord Darius Ruckus, the Lord of Arabel, she humbly requested the Victors of Shadowfell Keep investigate reports of slavery not far from a trading post in the mountains just north of the city. The trading post was established by a syndicate of arcanist knows as the Mages of Seurun. Trading in gems, jewels, and rare ore that are mined from a nearby ruin, Thuderspire Labyrinth also markets a handful of rare artifacts and items of more modest magical power. Sister Margaret acknowledges the post fully engages in trade with the Underdark. As a conduit between the realm beneath and the surface, it boasts booming traffic and strong profits. As a result, the Mages of Seurn enjoy immense power within the small borders of Thunderspire Labyrinth and along its trade routes.
Sister Margaret entreated the party to journey to the outpost and advertise themselves as mercenary adventurers. Undercover, she asked the party to investigate the reports of slavery and crush any operation running such a corrupt business. Additionally, she asks to the party to take in their surrounding, documenting all that they witness, map areas and regions they explore, including the ruins that feed the post's gem, jewel, and artifact market.
Sister Margaret ended her request: "Lastly, Lord Ruckus has received troubling reports of a singularity event of significant power in or around Thunderspire Labyrinth. The nature of the power is unknown, but it hints at a world-ending event. Of all the tasks set before you, this is the most important. Find the source of this continuum rupture. Investigate the ramifications of its existence. If it proves a danger to Arabel, Cormyr, by the goddess Tymora all of Faerun itself, do everything in your power to destroy it. May Lady Luck shine on you all and the good work you do."
Sister Margaret excused herself and the party left the Temple for the luxurious accommodations of the Falcon's Crest. For much coin, the party enjoyed attended hot baths, expansive menu, and as much drink as they could imbibe. The party spent their days outfitting themselves for the approaching adventure and meeting with Hostess Ann to detail their exploits at Shadowfell Keep. Toron, a halfing information broker, also paid them a visit. A representative of Halfings Incorporated (for the love of god no), the small agent promised unique information at bargain prices. The adventurers paid up. Toron told them the name of the slaving organization working outside the minotaur ruin: Bloodreavers.
To Be Continued.
Line(s) of the Night:
"Oh my god, I'm drunk." - Blake upon finding out that drinks are free at Tymora's Temple.
"You fucker!" - Craig after Blake's wall-shaking belch interrupts an Orsen Wells-esque reading of Arabel flavor text.
"He sounds right up your alley" Megan to Pati, of a strapping young halfing information broker.
"He will be in a moment." Blake. Sexual innuendo???????
Visual of the Night:
Simon's legs spread wide, Megan on all fours in front of him on the pretext of looking for a dropped die.
Baked Good of the Night:
Megan's Jumbles. Muy delicioso!
The party rested from the dire wolf encounter and departed early the next morning. They were unmolested for the rest of the journey. When they finally rode into the city of Arabel, a crowd of children and spectators took quick notice. Hushed whispers, enthusiastic cheers, and steely gazes followed the adventurers as they wound their way through the packed streets of Arabel towards the gleaming glass tower of Tymora's Temple.
Queequeg noticed the crowd especially attentive to the novelty of a dragonborn in their midst. The children especially pointed at the warlord, their mouths hanging slack as they gibbered about scales and girth, talons and snout. Queequeg smiled to himself, tilted his head back, and unleashed a torrent of turquoise lightning into the sky straight above. The children and more cowardly adults scampered away only to peek their heads back at the retreating convoy and cheer their delight. Gilic himself chuckled, reaching into coin purse and flinging a handful of copper and silver to the adoring crowd. The children lunged for the shiny bits, one adult in particular elbowing a little girl in the face to grab a stray gold.
As the party approached the resplendent Temple of Tymora, Taegahan wondered aloud if the tower refracted the sun's rays enough to burn flesh and start fires. Entering the Temple, the adventurers were greeted with an unusual sight: tables and apparatus spread throughout a large chamber, all devoted to gambling. As the goddess of luck, Tymora relished games of chance and fully embraced them within her halls of worship. Hostess Ann greeted the party immediately, taking their drink orders and inviting them to gamble for a time. The party played a variety of games, including dragonbones. More money was lost than won, though Orchid walked away significantly richer than she arrived.
Not long after, Hostess Ann ushered the party into a more subdued, quieter antechamber. She informed the party that Sister Mary Margaret was currently at a meeting, but that she asked the adventurers to dine while they waited. They ate from an eclectic menu, including venison stew and mixed vegetables. Finally, Sister Margaret entered the room, addressing the party warmly. She listened intently to their brief summary of events surrounding Shadowfell Keep, her brow furrowed upon hearing the existence and demise of Kalarel. Sister Margaret smiled brightly at the end of their tale, congratulating them on a job well done. She motioned to Ann who handed each member a heavy coin purse.
"As grateful as I am to all of you for investigating and defeating the evil at the Keep, I'm afraid Cormyr still has need of you," Sister Margaret intoned. She explained that on behalf of Lord Darius Ruckus, the Lord of Arabel, she humbly requested the Victors of Shadowfell Keep investigate reports of slavery not far from a trading post in the mountains just north of the city. The trading post was established by a syndicate of arcanist knows as the Mages of Seurun. Trading in gems, jewels, and rare ore that are mined from a nearby ruin, Thuderspire Labyrinth also markets a handful of rare artifacts and items of more modest magical power. Sister Margaret acknowledges the post fully engages in trade with the Underdark. As a conduit between the realm beneath and the surface, it boasts booming traffic and strong profits. As a result, the Mages of Seurn enjoy immense power within the small borders of Thunderspire Labyrinth and along its trade routes.
Sister Margaret entreated the party to journey to the outpost and advertise themselves as mercenary adventurers. Undercover, she asked the party to investigate the reports of slavery and crush any operation running such a corrupt business. Additionally, she asks to the party to take in their surrounding, documenting all that they witness, map areas and regions they explore, including the ruins that feed the post's gem, jewel, and artifact market.
Sister Margaret ended her request: "Lastly, Lord Ruckus has received troubling reports of a singularity event of significant power in or around Thunderspire Labyrinth. The nature of the power is unknown, but it hints at a world-ending event. Of all the tasks set before you, this is the most important. Find the source of this continuum rupture. Investigate the ramifications of its existence. If it proves a danger to Arabel, Cormyr, by the goddess Tymora all of Faerun itself, do everything in your power to destroy it. May Lady Luck shine on you all and the good work you do."
Sister Margaret excused herself and the party left the Temple for the luxurious accommodations of the Falcon's Crest. For much coin, the party enjoyed attended hot baths, expansive menu, and as much drink as they could imbibe. The party spent their days outfitting themselves for the approaching adventure and meeting with Hostess Ann to detail their exploits at Shadowfell Keep. Toron, a halfing information broker, also paid them a visit. A representative of Halfings Incorporated (for the love of god no), the small agent promised unique information at bargain prices. The adventurers paid up. Toron told them the name of the slaving organization working outside the minotaur ruin: Bloodreavers.
To Be Continued.
Line(s) of the Night:
"Oh my god, I'm drunk." - Blake upon finding out that drinks are free at Tymora's Temple.
"You fucker!" - Craig after Blake's wall-shaking belch interrupts an Orsen Wells-esque reading of Arabel flavor text.
"He sounds right up your alley" Megan to Pati, of a strapping young halfing information broker.
"He will be in a moment." Blake. Sexual innuendo???????
Visual of the Night:
Simon's legs spread wide, Megan on all fours in front of him on the pretext of looking for a dropped die.
Baked Good of the Night:
Megan's Jumbles. Muy delicioso!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Ale and Accolades
Just as Kalarel melted into waxy blackness and the dark gate sucked him into its curious void, a storm broke outside the walls of the keep. It blew and rained with thunderous fury. The party stepped into the blood pool and carefully climbed through the sacrificial pit, making their way to the exit of the keep. They poked their heads out the archway and witnessed a terrific storm above them. Entire chucks of masonry tore from the walls of the keep as sheets of rain blanketed the countryside. The adventurers eased themselves back into the safety of the keep, hunkering down together for safety and warmth. Hours later, the storm abated. The party once again poked their heads out. Directly above them, blue sky. All around, swirling masses of clouds. They crawled back to shelter and a half hour later the storm resumed its pounding fury.
By early evening, the storm passed fully and the party gathered gear and loot and left the keep. The storm had further dilapidated the once proud structure. Felled trees, broken branches, and miscellaneous storm debris lined the road, hampering travel. The party arrived at Winterhaven in the wee hours of the morning. The guards summoned a bleary-eyed Lord Padreg, who arranged lodging at the local inn and then returned to slumber. Exhausted, the party collapsed in their beds and slept the sleep of the satisfied weary.
The next morning, Lord Padreg greeted the party in the common room. The adventurers debriefed Padreg, summarizing everything that had happened since they last left Winterhaven, including the climatic battle with Kalarel and his ignominious demise. Lord Padreg listened intently, his eyes shining with excitement and relief upon hearing the great evil so close to his sleepy hamlet had been squashed. In the end, he clapped his hands together and said, "Well done, heroes, well done! Please, you must stay another night and day. Let Winterhaven plan a feast in your honor, celebrating the great work you have done this day." The party kindly acquiesced, relaxing in the common room while the townspeople scurried about making preparations.
While sipping dwarven ale and elven wine, the party heard rumor that two brash wheelwrights, Clod and Ben Stiller, had left town yesterday to visit the abandoned shack of the now dead ranger, Ninaran. Well rested and already thirsty for adventure, the party readied themselves and headed out for the ranger's outpost. Except for Gilic. The dwarf barricaded himself inside the inn room, refusing to join the last-minute expedition so he could meditate on the finer points of Shava's parton goddess.
Tucked deep within the neighboring woods, Ninaran's shack was a one room affair with a slanted roof and a surrounding clearing. As the house came into sight, Taegahn and Orchid crept forward to gather reconnaissance. In front of the shack, the remains of the young wheelwrights glistened under the morning dawn. Entrails and dismembered limbs signaled a savage attack. Keeping to the forest edge of the clearing, Taegahn and Orchid continued rounding the shack. Soon, the sound of heavy rustling came to ear. As they came to the back of the house, they observed four drakes bound from a hole in the roof of the shack, calcified talons clicking sharply against the granite slabs that dotted much of the wooded landscape. Trading snarling nips, the pair of guard and needlefang drakes raced each other back to the grizzly remains of the hapless boys. The winning drake plunged its head into the chest cavity of the nearest corpse, gnashing and rooting its fill of entrails, tendons, and meat. The other three fought over the second corpse, tearing loose limbs in the jostling.
Taegahn and Orchid watched the spectacle from the safety of cover. With a nod, they carefully withdrew to make their way back to the party. Only, Orchid unskillfully stepped upon a dry twig. The snapping sound cut through the drake's carnal grunts. The animals snapped their heads straights up and slightly tilted, listening for more. Seconds later, they leaped toward Orchid's position. Taegahn continued making his way to the party. At the last minute, Gilic raced up out of breath. The party stared at him expectantly. Catching his wind, he finally let out, "And my hammer!" Queequeg rolled his eyes as Taegahn came into view, hooting unconvincingly like an owl and motioning the party forward. The adventurers sprinted towards the shack's clearing.
Meanwhile, two of the drakes flanked Orchid, biting grievous wounds into her lightly armored body. She gave as well as she got, blinding one and slicing into the other. Taegahn and Cedric banded together and wrecked horrible carnage upon the two closing needlefang drakes. Gilic, Queequeg, Gareth, and Shava continued sprinting to Orchid's rescue. Shava and Gilic called upon the healing word of their deity's to mend Orchid while Gareth and Queequeg coordinated an attack that felled the remaining guard drakes. The shack turned up empty but for a note that gave directions to track the movements of the party with respect to Shadowfell Keep. Old news. The party bagged the remains of the wheelwrights and made their way back to Winterhaven.
The adventurers diplomatically dropped off the bodies to the concerned family. Amid their sobbing, Taegahn handed them a bag of silver. The wheelwrights had been penniless in death, but Taegahn lied and said he found the pouch on one of the bodies. The family thanked him profusely, knowingly.
That night, Winterhaven launched a legendary feast in honor of the heroes. Lord Padreg gave a speech espousing the heroic virtue of the heroes before him. He referred to them as the "Heroes of Arabel." The adventurers glanced amongst themselves uncomfortably. Clearing his throat, Taegahn rose from the table and interrupted Padreg's speech. "Uh, pardon my lord, but we've been through the town of Arabel but once. If we are to be heroes, perhaps we should hail from somewhere, someplace, or something more closely related to our exploits." Shava, Taegahn's lovelier sister (in every way) rose too, a radiant light emanating from her. The entire town turned their view to hear, gazing with admiration and affection. Shava's voice rang out clear and true to the farthest corners of the hamlet, "The Victors of Shadowfell Keep!"
"The Victors of Shadowfell Keep!" the town shouted back and the adventurers smiled in return. Gilic now rose from his chair, his head just peaking over the well-laden table. He swayed back and forth unsteadily, his eyes glazed over in intoxicated glee. Dumping over his goblet of elven wine, he slurred, "Winterha-hic! I coo keel yoo awl. Hic! Yoo pets. Yoo wee childin. Hic!" He flung his arms wide and screeched, "Everting!!! Hic!" Before the party could intervene, the dwarf stumbled back into his chair and then fell face first into his plate, full of roasted mutton and spiced potatoes. The dwarf began to wheeze out a rumbling, rhythmic snore.
The crowd looked back in mute horror, the rest of the party chuckling politely. It was Lord Padreg's turn to clear his throat, once again taking center stage to continue his homage to the party. Soon, the celebration turned to music and dancing. Amid the revelry, Queequeg called for the melodius sounds of Taegahn's dulcet harp. Through gritted teeth, Taegahn angrily plucked sweet strings while Queequeg barked out a dragonborn song that had the crowd looking at each other uncomfortably and clapping politely and off-beat.
Not long after, Gilic awoke and rose again, a chunk of mutton snugly stuck in his beard. "Deed ah eva tell yoo da tale of my turd wife? Hic!"Sha had da booshiest tail yoo eva seen and afta I shod her, she rode like da wind. Hic! Sweet ridin' in da day, even sweeter riden' in da night, sha was da enva of the parish, dat one." Five adventurers swarmed Gilic before he could say more. Cedric mashed his face back into the plate, full into the potatoes. Gareth meanwhile procured another goblet of elven wine. He handed it to Gilic who once again pulled his head from the plate, mashed potato embedded in his eyebrows. He smiled contentedly as he took the wine, mumbling, "Aye, dats da stuff laddy. Come to daddy sweet nector. Hic!"
The rest of the evening past uneventfully and in the morning, the party assembled and then headed out of Winterhaven. The morning crowd lined the narrow streets, blowing kisses and shouting cheers of thanks. The Victors of Shadowfell Keep said their final goodbyes and then hit the road southeast towards Arabel.
That night, a pack of dire wolves and worgs attacked the party's encampment. Queegqueg and Orchid sounded the alarm. The battle was pitched. Queequeg nearly sucumbed to horrible bite wounds. If not for Shava's healing prowess, and his own inate ability to mend wounds, he surely would have died. VoSfK ultimately prevailed, slaying two of the dire wolves, one of the worgs, and sending the rest yiping into the dark of night.
To Be Continued
Phat Lewts:
Epic hangovers
Lines(s) of the Night:
"We're a team!" - Sean to Blake after the dynamic duo tag-teamed a ferious drake.
"We are not a team" - Blake's immediate response to Sean.
"Apparantly we're not a team, so I killed it." Sean, clarifying the bragging rights for said slain drake.
Rule(s) Clarification of the Night:
Megan teaching Craig the finer points of charging.
Just as Kalarel melted into waxy blackness and the dark gate sucked him into its curious void, a storm broke outside the walls of the keep. It blew and rained with thunderous fury. The party stepped into the blood pool and carefully climbed through the sacrificial pit, making their way to the exit of the keep. They poked their heads out the archway and witnessed a terrific storm above them. Entire chucks of masonry tore from the walls of the keep as sheets of rain blanketed the countryside. The adventurers eased themselves back into the safety of the keep, hunkering down together for safety and warmth. Hours later, the storm abated. The party once again poked their heads out. Directly above them, blue sky. All around, swirling masses of clouds. They crawled back to shelter and a half hour later the storm resumed its pounding fury.
By early evening, the storm passed fully and the party gathered gear and loot and left the keep. The storm had further dilapidated the once proud structure. Felled trees, broken branches, and miscellaneous storm debris lined the road, hampering travel. The party arrived at Winterhaven in the wee hours of the morning. The guards summoned a bleary-eyed Lord Padreg, who arranged lodging at the local inn and then returned to slumber. Exhausted, the party collapsed in their beds and slept the sleep of the satisfied weary.
The next morning, Lord Padreg greeted the party in the common room. The adventurers debriefed Padreg, summarizing everything that had happened since they last left Winterhaven, including the climatic battle with Kalarel and his ignominious demise. Lord Padreg listened intently, his eyes shining with excitement and relief upon hearing the great evil so close to his sleepy hamlet had been squashed. In the end, he clapped his hands together and said, "Well done, heroes, well done! Please, you must stay another night and day. Let Winterhaven plan a feast in your honor, celebrating the great work you have done this day." The party kindly acquiesced, relaxing in the common room while the townspeople scurried about making preparations.
While sipping dwarven ale and elven wine, the party heard rumor that two brash wheelwrights, Clod and Ben Stiller, had left town yesterday to visit the abandoned shack of the now dead ranger, Ninaran. Well rested and already thirsty for adventure, the party readied themselves and headed out for the ranger's outpost. Except for Gilic. The dwarf barricaded himself inside the inn room, refusing to join the last-minute expedition so he could meditate on the finer points of Shava's parton goddess.
Tucked deep within the neighboring woods, Ninaran's shack was a one room affair with a slanted roof and a surrounding clearing. As the house came into sight, Taegahn and Orchid crept forward to gather reconnaissance. In front of the shack, the remains of the young wheelwrights glistened under the morning dawn. Entrails and dismembered limbs signaled a savage attack. Keeping to the forest edge of the clearing, Taegahn and Orchid continued rounding the shack. Soon, the sound of heavy rustling came to ear. As they came to the back of the house, they observed four drakes bound from a hole in the roof of the shack, calcified talons clicking sharply against the granite slabs that dotted much of the wooded landscape. Trading snarling nips, the pair of guard and needlefang drakes raced each other back to the grizzly remains of the hapless boys. The winning drake plunged its head into the chest cavity of the nearest corpse, gnashing and rooting its fill of entrails, tendons, and meat. The other three fought over the second corpse, tearing loose limbs in the jostling.
Taegahn and Orchid watched the spectacle from the safety of cover. With a nod, they carefully withdrew to make their way back to the party. Only, Orchid unskillfully stepped upon a dry twig. The snapping sound cut through the drake's carnal grunts. The animals snapped their heads straights up and slightly tilted, listening for more. Seconds later, they leaped toward Orchid's position. Taegahn continued making his way to the party. At the last minute, Gilic raced up out of breath. The party stared at him expectantly. Catching his wind, he finally let out, "And my hammer!" Queequeg rolled his eyes as Taegahn came into view, hooting unconvincingly like an owl and motioning the party forward. The adventurers sprinted towards the shack's clearing.
Meanwhile, two of the drakes flanked Orchid, biting grievous wounds into her lightly armored body. She gave as well as she got, blinding one and slicing into the other. Taegahn and Cedric banded together and wrecked horrible carnage upon the two closing needlefang drakes. Gilic, Queequeg, Gareth, and Shava continued sprinting to Orchid's rescue. Shava and Gilic called upon the healing word of their deity's to mend Orchid while Gareth and Queequeg coordinated an attack that felled the remaining guard drakes. The shack turned up empty but for a note that gave directions to track the movements of the party with respect to Shadowfell Keep. Old news. The party bagged the remains of the wheelwrights and made their way back to Winterhaven.
The adventurers diplomatically dropped off the bodies to the concerned family. Amid their sobbing, Taegahn handed them a bag of silver. The wheelwrights had been penniless in death, but Taegahn lied and said he found the pouch on one of the bodies. The family thanked him profusely, knowingly.
That night, Winterhaven launched a legendary feast in honor of the heroes. Lord Padreg gave a speech espousing the heroic virtue of the heroes before him. He referred to them as the "Heroes of Arabel." The adventurers glanced amongst themselves uncomfortably. Clearing his throat, Taegahn rose from the table and interrupted Padreg's speech. "Uh, pardon my lord, but we've been through the town of Arabel but once. If we are to be heroes, perhaps we should hail from somewhere, someplace, or something more closely related to our exploits." Shava, Taegahn's lovelier sister (in every way) rose too, a radiant light emanating from her. The entire town turned their view to hear, gazing with admiration and affection. Shava's voice rang out clear and true to the farthest corners of the hamlet, "The Victors of Shadowfell Keep!"
"The Victors of Shadowfell Keep!" the town shouted back and the adventurers smiled in return. Gilic now rose from his chair, his head just peaking over the well-laden table. He swayed back and forth unsteadily, his eyes glazed over in intoxicated glee. Dumping over his goblet of elven wine, he slurred, "Winterha-hic! I coo keel yoo awl. Hic! Yoo pets. Yoo wee childin. Hic!" He flung his arms wide and screeched, "Everting!!! Hic!" Before the party could intervene, the dwarf stumbled back into his chair and then fell face first into his plate, full of roasted mutton and spiced potatoes. The dwarf began to wheeze out a rumbling, rhythmic snore.
The crowd looked back in mute horror, the rest of the party chuckling politely. It was Lord Padreg's turn to clear his throat, once again taking center stage to continue his homage to the party. Soon, the celebration turned to music and dancing. Amid the revelry, Queequeg called for the melodius sounds of Taegahn's dulcet harp. Through gritted teeth, Taegahn angrily plucked sweet strings while Queequeg barked out a dragonborn song that had the crowd looking at each other uncomfortably and clapping politely and off-beat.
Not long after, Gilic awoke and rose again, a chunk of mutton snugly stuck in his beard. "Deed ah eva tell yoo da tale of my turd wife? Hic!"Sha had da booshiest tail yoo eva seen and afta I shod her, she rode like da wind. Hic! Sweet ridin' in da day, even sweeter riden' in da night, sha was da enva of the parish, dat one." Five adventurers swarmed Gilic before he could say more. Cedric mashed his face back into the plate, full into the potatoes. Gareth meanwhile procured another goblet of elven wine. He handed it to Gilic who once again pulled his head from the plate, mashed potato embedded in his eyebrows. He smiled contentedly as he took the wine, mumbling, "Aye, dats da stuff laddy. Come to daddy sweet nector. Hic!"
The rest of the evening past uneventfully and in the morning, the party assembled and then headed out of Winterhaven. The morning crowd lined the narrow streets, blowing kisses and shouting cheers of thanks. The Victors of Shadowfell Keep said their final goodbyes and then hit the road southeast towards Arabel.
That night, a pack of dire wolves and worgs attacked the party's encampment. Queegqueg and Orchid sounded the alarm. The battle was pitched. Queequeg nearly sucumbed to horrible bite wounds. If not for Shava's healing prowess, and his own inate ability to mend wounds, he surely would have died. VoSfK ultimately prevailed, slaying two of the dire wolves, one of the worgs, and sending the rest yiping into the dark of night.
To Be Continued
Phat Lewts:
Epic hangovers
Lines(s) of the Night:
"We're a team!" - Sean to Blake after the dynamic duo tag-teamed a ferious drake.
"We are not a team" - Blake's immediate response to Sean.
"Apparantly we're not a team, so I killed it." Sean, clarifying the bragging rights for said slain drake.
Rule(s) Clarification of the Night:
Megan teaching Craig the finer points of charging.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
When Hurricanes Attack!
Session Summary:
Session cancelled due to Hurricane Ike.
Line(s) of the Night:
"Aaahhhhhhhhhh!" - City of Houston residents as Ike descended.
Session cancelled due to Hurricane Ike.
Line(s) of the Night:
"Aaahhhhhhhhhh!" - City of Houston residents as Ike descended.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Shadowfell Keep, Epic Battle II
The party peered down the dark pit. The alter resumed spewing forth viscous blood, rivers streaming down the sides of the dark shrine and weaving across the room until finally draining into the square blackness. Taegahn dropped a sunrod into the pit. It briefly flashed a pool of blood before plopping ominously and sinking. Darkness crept back.
With no obvious way down to the lower level of the blood pool, the party conferred and agreed to backtrack. Double doors, barred with a sign "Closed," still remained unexplored. Queequeg ripped the sign off and Orchid and Taegahn carefully opened the door. A long passage, splitting left and right and the far end. Taegahn crept left, Orchid right. Seconds later, Taegahn reappeared, backtracking quickly. Something seemed to shimmer in his wake and when Taeghan loosed an arrow, it seemed to stick to something in midair. Queequeg barked an order to move and Gilic charged forth, close behind. The two stood shoulder to shoulder, hacking and slashing at the gelatinous cube. Shava commanded it back and the shambling horror jiggled in place as the rest of the party opened up withering melee and ranged attacks. The romping jello abomination exploded, spewing hot goo all over the surrounding floor, walls, and adventurers.
The party scraped the gelatin off them and finished exploring the two hallways. The left dead-ended, but the right opened into a small room, four sarcophagus in each corner. Queegueg moved towards the closest, gripping the bottom of the ancient stone lid and heaving with all his might. Gareth and Gilic joined him and the lid slowly pried loose and then exploded forth along with the other three unattended lids. The closest of the corruption corpses reached into his stomach cavity and pulled forth writhing intestines, glistening with a foul stench that almost bowled the adventurers over. Grinning hideously, he hurled the guts like a grenade, which exploded with nectroic energy that damaged and paralyzed. The four proved tougher than the zombie minions of previous encounters, but the party eventually prevailed. A door and room behind held a chest ripe with treasure, including a magic amulet that proved best suited for Shava.
The party rested briefly, considering their options. There were no parts of the Keep to explore. Unless they had missed some secret door or passage, the only egress to the bottom level under the bloody alter was the ominous pit.
They backtracked once again. Standing over the pit, Queequeg, Gareth, Gilic, and Taegahn marshaled their resolve and slid down the four-corner chains that descended to the blood pool below. They landed smartly, springing into action the moment their feet touched solid ground. The scene before them mirrored that of the floor above them. A high priest worshipped at an alter to the west, intermingled moans and chants breathing pure oblivion into the chamber and past a portal that pulsed a black soupy energy. The high priest could be none other than Kalarel himself, intently weaving some dark ritual. Glyphs in front of the portal glowed an electric turquoise. The undead formed a triangle that surrounded the party and the blood pool, two in front of the high priest and one far across them. Caught momentarily off-guard, the four charged forth and the battle for Shadowfell Keep began.
Meanwhile, Orchid, Cedric, and Shava attempted to descend the chains. Orchid slid down deftly, but Shava lost her grip early on and fell. Though she landed on her feet by virtue of her new magic amulet, the force of the freefall rippled throughout her frame, sending her staggering in pain. Cedric too fell, landing sideways. Snapping bone marked his arrival as he slowly stood up.
As half the party arrived on the scene ungracefully, the other four tore into the priest and his undead force. The far undead was a deathlock wight. From range, he blasted the party with grave bolts, necrotically charged missile that burned the soul and paralyzed the body. At one point, he stopped his barrage and reanimated a skeleton warrior that had been felled by Gilic's sturdy maul.
Early in the battle Kalarel yelled out a commanding word, teleporting himself and his two closet minions to the middle of the blue-tinged floor glyph. Taegahn wasted no time in pivoting ninety degrees and unloading on him, arrows ripping into the high priest with such force, he was pushed back outside the glyph and directly in front of the portal. Taegahn's satisfied grin went slack as he witnessed the portal's sheer surface ripple across, a bony claw bursting out only to be caressed and stroked by Kalarel. The party split their attention between Kalarel and the emerging undead dragon, Shardrexyl and the dreadlock wight. As Gareth and Gilic felled the two skeleton warriors and closed in on Kalarel, Shardrexyl pushed against the portal binding him in some foreign plane of existence and lashed out at the party. Gareth took the brunt of these attacks, ducking a taloned claw as he lashed out at the taunting high priest. The dreadlock wight proved a distracting opponent and it took precious seconds for Shava, Queequeg, Taegahn, and Cedric to finally fell it.
Out of minions, the party closed in on Kalarel. Every time Shardrexyl lashed out and struck, dark energy seeped back into the high priest, restrengthening him. The adventurers steeled themselves, surrounding Kalarel and reigning blows and fire down upon him. Shardrexyl continued to harry the party, at one point attempting to grab Orchid and Gareth and drag them back to his hellish domain. The two narrowly escaped and returned to battle. Finally, Kalarel teetering from multiple wounds, Queequeg observed the high priest lower his guard for a moment. The dragonborn warlord shouted to Gareth to strike! Gareth reacted from pure instinct, sweeping his great axe full into Kalarel. Shuddering for a split second, Kalarel screamed and then warped into a viscous ooze that matched the surface of the portal. Still in the shape of the man, the ooze seemed to try to move away from the portal, but Shardrexyl's claw suddenly burst once more from the portal and with a clenched fist, snapped the high priest into the portal. The claw receded too and the portal and chamber became eerily quiet.
Kalarel was defeated! Shardrexyl's summoning prevented! The legacy of Jerold Qeegan was restored and the nearby sleepy hamlet of Winterhaven saved!
The party peered down the dark pit. The alter resumed spewing forth viscous blood, rivers streaming down the sides of the dark shrine and weaving across the room until finally draining into the square blackness. Taegahn dropped a sunrod into the pit. It briefly flashed a pool of blood before plopping ominously and sinking. Darkness crept back.
With no obvious way down to the lower level of the blood pool, the party conferred and agreed to backtrack. Double doors, barred with a sign "Closed," still remained unexplored. Queequeg ripped the sign off and Orchid and Taegahn carefully opened the door. A long passage, splitting left and right and the far end. Taegahn crept left, Orchid right. Seconds later, Taegahn reappeared, backtracking quickly. Something seemed to shimmer in his wake and when Taeghan loosed an arrow, it seemed to stick to something in midair. Queequeg barked an order to move and Gilic charged forth, close behind. The two stood shoulder to shoulder, hacking and slashing at the gelatinous cube. Shava commanded it back and the shambling horror jiggled in place as the rest of the party opened up withering melee and ranged attacks. The romping jello abomination exploded, spewing hot goo all over the surrounding floor, walls, and adventurers.
The party scraped the gelatin off them and finished exploring the two hallways. The left dead-ended, but the right opened into a small room, four sarcophagus in each corner. Queegueg moved towards the closest, gripping the bottom of the ancient stone lid and heaving with all his might. Gareth and Gilic joined him and the lid slowly pried loose and then exploded forth along with the other three unattended lids. The closest of the corruption corpses reached into his stomach cavity and pulled forth writhing intestines, glistening with a foul stench that almost bowled the adventurers over. Grinning hideously, he hurled the guts like a grenade, which exploded with nectroic energy that damaged and paralyzed. The four proved tougher than the zombie minions of previous encounters, but the party eventually prevailed. A door and room behind held a chest ripe with treasure, including a magic amulet that proved best suited for Shava.
The party rested briefly, considering their options. There were no parts of the Keep to explore. Unless they had missed some secret door or passage, the only egress to the bottom level under the bloody alter was the ominous pit.
They backtracked once again. Standing over the pit, Queequeg, Gareth, Gilic, and Taegahn marshaled their resolve and slid down the four-corner chains that descended to the blood pool below. They landed smartly, springing into action the moment their feet touched solid ground. The scene before them mirrored that of the floor above them. A high priest worshipped at an alter to the west, intermingled moans and chants breathing pure oblivion into the chamber and past a portal that pulsed a black soupy energy. The high priest could be none other than Kalarel himself, intently weaving some dark ritual. Glyphs in front of the portal glowed an electric turquoise. The undead formed a triangle that surrounded the party and the blood pool, two in front of the high priest and one far across them. Caught momentarily off-guard, the four charged forth and the battle for Shadowfell Keep began.
Meanwhile, Orchid, Cedric, and Shava attempted to descend the chains. Orchid slid down deftly, but Shava lost her grip early on and fell. Though she landed on her feet by virtue of her new magic amulet, the force of the freefall rippled throughout her frame, sending her staggering in pain. Cedric too fell, landing sideways. Snapping bone marked his arrival as he slowly stood up.
As half the party arrived on the scene ungracefully, the other four tore into the priest and his undead force. The far undead was a deathlock wight. From range, he blasted the party with grave bolts, necrotically charged missile that burned the soul and paralyzed the body. At one point, he stopped his barrage and reanimated a skeleton warrior that had been felled by Gilic's sturdy maul.
Early in the battle Kalarel yelled out a commanding word, teleporting himself and his two closet minions to the middle of the blue-tinged floor glyph. Taegahn wasted no time in pivoting ninety degrees and unloading on him, arrows ripping into the high priest with such force, he was pushed back outside the glyph and directly in front of the portal. Taegahn's satisfied grin went slack as he witnessed the portal's sheer surface ripple across, a bony claw bursting out only to be caressed and stroked by Kalarel. The party split their attention between Kalarel and the emerging undead dragon, Shardrexyl and the dreadlock wight. As Gareth and Gilic felled the two skeleton warriors and closed in on Kalarel, Shardrexyl pushed against the portal binding him in some foreign plane of existence and lashed out at the party. Gareth took the brunt of these attacks, ducking a taloned claw as he lashed out at the taunting high priest. The dreadlock wight proved a distracting opponent and it took precious seconds for Shava, Queequeg, Taegahn, and Cedric to finally fell it.
Out of minions, the party closed in on Kalarel. Every time Shardrexyl lashed out and struck, dark energy seeped back into the high priest, restrengthening him. The adventurers steeled themselves, surrounding Kalarel and reigning blows and fire down upon him. Shardrexyl continued to harry the party, at one point attempting to grab Orchid and Gareth and drag them back to his hellish domain. The two narrowly escaped and returned to battle. Finally, Kalarel teetering from multiple wounds, Queequeg observed the high priest lower his guard for a moment. The dragonborn warlord shouted to Gareth to strike! Gareth reacted from pure instinct, sweeping his great axe full into Kalarel. Shuddering for a split second, Kalarel screamed and then warped into a viscous ooze that matched the surface of the portal. Still in the shape of the man, the ooze seemed to try to move away from the portal, but Shardrexyl's claw suddenly burst once more from the portal and with a clenched fist, snapped the high priest into the portal. The claw receded too and the portal and chamber became eerily quiet.
Kalarel was defeated! Shardrexyl's summoning prevented! The legacy of Jerold Qeegan was restored and the nearby sleepy hamlet of Winterhaven saved!
Phat Lewt:
Amulet of Something Wing - Shava
Dagger +2 - Vendor
Line(s) of the Night:
Phat Lewt:
Amulet of Something Wing - Shava
Dagger +2 - Vendor
Line(s) of the Night:
"These agents of evil are outstanding housekeepers." - Sean, commenting on the cleanliness of a dungeon hallway. "Shhhh. Why the fuck do you think I'm sneaking!" Blake to Sean, as he tries to sneak down the hallway.
"Do you girls need me to assist?" - Pati, watching Queequeg, Gilic, and Gareth struggle to open a sarcophagus lid.
"No man has seen them all . . . and lived to tell the tale." Pati, about the shurkins equipped on her.
"I want a fire-breathing pony." - Sean.
"Girls pet cute things. One day you'll learn." Simon to Sean, referencing Pocket Dragons.
Baked Good of the Night: Megan's Carrot Cake
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Shadowfell Keep, Epic Battle I
The party now faced a long passageway ending in a large chamber with two sets of double doors. One set had "closed" clumsily scrawled across its barred doors. The other emitted faint light from its bottom crack. Queequeg opened the latter door revealing a massive chamber. A fifteen foot statue stood in the middle holding a similarly proportioned sword. In the far corners, two dragon replicas. Across the room, two smaller statues with arms upraised, holding stone basins.
Orchid crept passed Queequeg while the rest of the party cautiously entered the room. Shava and Taegahn held back, watching events transpire before they stepped over the threshold. When Orchid got withing twenty feet of the giant stature, hidden machinery churned from somewhere deep in the room and it suddenly spun into motion, its sword sweeping 360 degrees and slicing into the darting hafling, knocking her prone. Her quick reflexes saved her from certain death. Gareth charged. His axe hacking off chucks of stone, he lept upon the statue's base, protecting him from its sweeping arc.
The rest of the party began making its way across the room, hugging the wall to avoid the merry-go-round sword of death. Gilic broke away, speeding towards one of the two inanimate dragons. As he approached, the closest suddenly activated and breathed forth magical energy that burned into the dwarf's armor and flesh, pushing him back towards the spinning statue. Gareth meanwhile chopped the statue down, Orchid landing feet first on the run, sprinting across the room toward the basin-holding statues. As she ran past them into a smaller alcove, a shimmering wall suddenly energized behind her. It rippled with crackling power, running flush across the two walls and from floor to ceiling. The statues animated too, fresh water beginning to pour out from the now lowered basins. Orchid was trapped within a tank that was quickly filling.
All the party rushed to the translucent wall, except for Gilic and Gareth, who dispatched the remaining the dragon statues. Orchid wasted no time in attempting to disarm her aquatic trap. Shava and Cedric also applied their arcane knowledge to discern halting the torrent of water and removing the magical barrier. The tank filled all too quickly while they worked to pierce the shimmering wall and puzzle out the cherub basin holders. When the tank reached half-full, a vortex suddenly appeared in the middle and began churning the water into a foamy spiral. Busy trying to disarm a cherub, the funneled water ripped Orchid from the statue, slamming her into the other side of the tank and then back to where she started. Out of sheer desperation, Shava pierced the wall and overcharged a panel she noticed glowing dully through the churning water. Both cherubs reacted instantly, lifting their basins back over their heads, staunching the torrent of water. Orchid applied more work to the panel, the walls flashing brightly before disappearing entirely. Enclosed water burst out, drenching the paniced adventures. Except for Taegahn, who had fled the chamber, sobbing incoherently that he couldn't stomach watching Orchid drown to her death.
Past the cherubs, a muddy pool of water dripped mutely in front of another set of double doors. After a quick breather, the party opened the doors to reveal another large chamber. Shambling figures lumbered into view, the groans that of the ubiquitous zombie. Behind them, a pale, taloned figure darted amongst the rambling undead, hurling itself at the party. Gareth and Gilic met the charge, hewing and chopping as they created a protective front. Shava strode into the room confidently, a slight smile on her face as she called forth divine power. Unearthly light shined out from her, tearing through the undead horde with righteous fury. Taegahn pursued a flying gargoyle trying to flee down a descending stairway. When the room quieted but for the sounds of the party, they rested briefly before descending the staircase to the double doors beyond.
Taegahn and Orchid volunteered to scout the room past the doors. As they skulked its depths, they saw cultist guards surrounding a black pit. Binding chains dangled slack from its sides while multiple streams of blood emptied into it like a river into a ocean. Past the pit, an alter. At the alter, an ornately dressed man chanted foul blessings. Facing the alter, his back to the doors, he seemed utterly consumed with a dark ritual that promised to incarnate evil, if not past the walls of Shadowfell Keep, then surly that very chamber. Blood flowed up and out of the alter from all directions, forming the fountain of streams that wound around the room and finally drained in the grating surrounding the dark pit.
Orchid and Taegahn returned to the party to report what they had found. Orchid and Shava moved to the left, Taeghan to the right, and the rest of the party up the middle. A thin skin curtain blocked the middle pathway. Gilic and Gareth burst through it and the battle was on. Undead lumbered into view, surrounding the middle adventurers. Shava made her way far to the left towards the alter. The priest halted his ritual, pivoting on a heel to survey who dared disrupt his good work. He reiterated a call to attack, but he need not; his minions already performed his bidding in earnest. Grinning manically, he joined the battle, attacking and felling a beleaguered Queequeg.
When Shava reached the alter, she called upon the power of her deity to stop the flow. Her god favored her well and the blood ceased to spurt from the evil shrine. The rest of the party continued cutting down the cultist and undead minions around them until on the priest remained. Surrounded, the adventurers showed no mercy in cutting him down. As he drew his final breath, the priest proclaimed everlasting devotion to Shar. The foul Deity channeled dark energy into his dying follower, who lashed out at Gilic and cut him down just as he fell dead in a thickening pool of congealing blood.
Attending to Gilic, the party searched the bodies of the fallen and then rested.
The party now faced a long passageway ending in a large chamber with two sets of double doors. One set had "closed" clumsily scrawled across its barred doors. The other emitted faint light from its bottom crack. Queequeg opened the latter door revealing a massive chamber. A fifteen foot statue stood in the middle holding a similarly proportioned sword. In the far corners, two dragon replicas. Across the room, two smaller statues with arms upraised, holding stone basins.
Orchid crept passed Queequeg while the rest of the party cautiously entered the room. Shava and Taegahn held back, watching events transpire before they stepped over the threshold. When Orchid got withing twenty feet of the giant stature, hidden machinery churned from somewhere deep in the room and it suddenly spun into motion, its sword sweeping 360 degrees and slicing into the darting hafling, knocking her prone. Her quick reflexes saved her from certain death. Gareth charged. His axe hacking off chucks of stone, he lept upon the statue's base, protecting him from its sweeping arc.
The rest of the party began making its way across the room, hugging the wall to avoid the merry-go-round sword of death. Gilic broke away, speeding towards one of the two inanimate dragons. As he approached, the closest suddenly activated and breathed forth magical energy that burned into the dwarf's armor and flesh, pushing him back towards the spinning statue. Gareth meanwhile chopped the statue down, Orchid landing feet first on the run, sprinting across the room toward the basin-holding statues. As she ran past them into a smaller alcove, a shimmering wall suddenly energized behind her. It rippled with crackling power, running flush across the two walls and from floor to ceiling. The statues animated too, fresh water beginning to pour out from the now lowered basins. Orchid was trapped within a tank that was quickly filling.
All the party rushed to the translucent wall, except for Gilic and Gareth, who dispatched the remaining the dragon statues. Orchid wasted no time in attempting to disarm her aquatic trap. Shava and Cedric also applied their arcane knowledge to discern halting the torrent of water and removing the magical barrier. The tank filled all too quickly while they worked to pierce the shimmering wall and puzzle out the cherub basin holders. When the tank reached half-full, a vortex suddenly appeared in the middle and began churning the water into a foamy spiral. Busy trying to disarm a cherub, the funneled water ripped Orchid from the statue, slamming her into the other side of the tank and then back to where she started. Out of sheer desperation, Shava pierced the wall and overcharged a panel she noticed glowing dully through the churning water. Both cherubs reacted instantly, lifting their basins back over their heads, staunching the torrent of water. Orchid applied more work to the panel, the walls flashing brightly before disappearing entirely. Enclosed water burst out, drenching the paniced adventures. Except for Taegahn, who had fled the chamber, sobbing incoherently that he couldn't stomach watching Orchid drown to her death.
Past the cherubs, a muddy pool of water dripped mutely in front of another set of double doors. After a quick breather, the party opened the doors to reveal another large chamber. Shambling figures lumbered into view, the groans that of the ubiquitous zombie. Behind them, a pale, taloned figure darted amongst the rambling undead, hurling itself at the party. Gareth and Gilic met the charge, hewing and chopping as they created a protective front. Shava strode into the room confidently, a slight smile on her face as she called forth divine power. Unearthly light shined out from her, tearing through the undead horde with righteous fury. Taegahn pursued a flying gargoyle trying to flee down a descending stairway. When the room quieted but for the sounds of the party, they rested briefly before descending the staircase to the double doors beyond.
Taegahn and Orchid volunteered to scout the room past the doors. As they skulked its depths, they saw cultist guards surrounding a black pit. Binding chains dangled slack from its sides while multiple streams of blood emptied into it like a river into a ocean. Past the pit, an alter. At the alter, an ornately dressed man chanted foul blessings. Facing the alter, his back to the doors, he seemed utterly consumed with a dark ritual that promised to incarnate evil, if not past the walls of Shadowfell Keep, then surly that very chamber. Blood flowed up and out of the alter from all directions, forming the fountain of streams that wound around the room and finally drained in the grating surrounding the dark pit.
Orchid and Taegahn returned to the party to report what they had found. Orchid and Shava moved to the left, Taeghan to the right, and the rest of the party up the middle. A thin skin curtain blocked the middle pathway. Gilic and Gareth burst through it and the battle was on. Undead lumbered into view, surrounding the middle adventurers. Shava made her way far to the left towards the alter. The priest halted his ritual, pivoting on a heel to survey who dared disrupt his good work. He reiterated a call to attack, but he need not; his minions already performed his bidding in earnest. Grinning manically, he joined the battle, attacking and felling a beleaguered Queequeg.
When Shava reached the alter, she called upon the power of her deity to stop the flow. Her god favored her well and the blood ceased to spurt from the evil shrine. The rest of the party continued cutting down the cultist and undead minions around them until on the priest remained. Surrounded, the adventurers showed no mercy in cutting him down. As he drew his final breath, the priest proclaimed everlasting devotion to Shar. The foul Deity channeled dark energy into his dying follower, who lashed out at Gilic and cut him down just as he fell dead in a thickening pool of congealing blood.
Attending to Gilic, the party searched the bodies of the fallen and then rested.
Phat Lewt:
Bag of Holding - Taegahn, with eyes slots cut out of it so he can wear it over his misshapen head and spare fellow companions his stomach-churning visage.
Line(s) of the Night:
Phat Lewt:
Bag of Holding - Taegahn, with eyes slots cut out of it so he can wear it over his misshapen head and spare fellow companions his stomach-churning visage.
Line(s) of the Night:
"The best part of waking up is Orchid in your cup." Blake, singing the famous Folgers coffee jingle in reference to Orchid drowning in sprung water trap.
"And now, Taegahn has some role-playing he'd like to do." Craig, introducing Blake.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
A Portcullis Pickle
The party rested briefly before continuing their exploration of Shadowfell Keep's second level. Before pressing on, Taegahn and Queequeg pitched the hobgoblin and spider corpses down the initial room's well. The sound of bodies hitting a splashy bottom satisfied Taegahn greatly as he envisioned hobgoblin soldier's drinking water tainted by their very own dead.
The party didn't go far before they happened upon a turn in the passageway, double doors straight ahead of them. After Orchid scanned the doors for traps and confirmed them clean and unlocked, Gilic and Gareth burst through, surprising a hobgoblin soldier whose head peaked around a corner. The party unloaded, chasing the hobgoblin down a hallway that opened into a barracks, badly maintained tables and beds strewn haphazardly all about. Another set of double doors barred an entrance nearly directly across from the first. Gareth and Gilic pursued the fleeing hobgoblin down the narrow hallway only to be met by three of his companions. With the majority of the party crammed into the hallway, one behind the other, a hobgoblin warcaster stepped forward and bellowed forth a force pulse the ripped through the adventures, pummeling them with compressed air and knocking them back and prone. Even Gilic, the stalwart dwarf, was knocked to the floor.
Meanwhile, Orchid detected movement from somewhere deeper in the barracks. She spied the double doors and deduced reinforcement were on their way to reinforce and engage hobgoblins and flank the party. She yelled her thoughts aloud and threw herself in the fray, shurikens thudding soundly into hobgoblin flesh. Cedric watched the double doors, reading himself to unleash arcane horror upon whatever burst through. Gareth and Gilic held the line against the group of hobgoblins, a pitched battle where blows were traded for blows, a hobgoblin archer hanging in the back harassing the party with a stream of arrows. Shava blessed the party and provided supplementary fire. Taegahn took aim upon the covered archer, flushing him out first and then peppering him with a barrage of arrows, sending him sprawling into the back wall dead.
The double doors finally broke open, five hobgoblin grunts and warriors running through trying to plow into the party's side and back end. Cedric cast immediately, laying an icy sheet in front of the opening that froze all but one of the hobgoblins. Breaking the flanking charge proved the end of the battle as Gareth, Gilic, and Queequeg chopped through the initial front line. Foes vanquished, the party searched the dirty barracks but found only sour beer and crude armaments. They secured the room, barricaded the front double doors and rested for the remainder of the day.
At dawn, the party moved on. They traveled only a few yards when Orchid stopped the party, pointing to the ceiling: a raised portcullis. She examined the gateway carefully, exposing and disabling a trigger release. Nodding the all clear, Taegahn sprinted forward, entering a room with doors opposite and to the left. He strode confidently to the left door, crouching against it to press the side of his head to listen. The door suddenly opened, three growling hobgoblins attacking. At the same time, the portcullis slammed down. Only Gareth had stepped forward, the rest of the party cut-off. Orchid wasted little time. Wrapping her tiny hands around two parallel bars, she heaved. Sinewy muscles bulging, the corroded metal seemed to give, but not enough to provide an opening. Gareth tried to assist, but failed. Hearing reinforcing hobgoblins streaming out of the far doorway, he abandoned the portcullis to meet the newly arrived horde. Gilic and Shava both attempted to pull the set of bars open, but couldn't. Finally, Queequeg stepped forward. Massive in girth, scaled muscle and sinew took hold of the weakened bars, prying an opening large enough for the party to squeeze through.
The rest of the party charged into the fray. The battle was a frenzy, with adventurers and hobgoblins alike hopping on and off a central table both from necessity and for tactical advantage. Cedric belched forth a scorching torrent of fire that singed foe and ally alike, though Gareth and Queequeg were spared the brunt of it. Taking a page out of Cedric's playbook, Queequeg stepped back and breathed cracking sparks of brilliant turquoise lightning, felling two hobgoblins and narrowly missing Gareth.
After the battle, the party searched the corpses and room. They found some quality mundane armaments and a magic short blade perfectly suited for the compact rogue, Orchid.
The party rested briefly before continuing their exploration of Shadowfell Keep's second level. Before pressing on, Taegahn and Queequeg pitched the hobgoblin and spider corpses down the initial room's well. The sound of bodies hitting a splashy bottom satisfied Taegahn greatly as he envisioned hobgoblin soldier's drinking water tainted by their very own dead.
The party didn't go far before they happened upon a turn in the passageway, double doors straight ahead of them. After Orchid scanned the doors for traps and confirmed them clean and unlocked, Gilic and Gareth burst through, surprising a hobgoblin soldier whose head peaked around a corner. The party unloaded, chasing the hobgoblin down a hallway that opened into a barracks, badly maintained tables and beds strewn haphazardly all about. Another set of double doors barred an entrance nearly directly across from the first. Gareth and Gilic pursued the fleeing hobgoblin down the narrow hallway only to be met by three of his companions. With the majority of the party crammed into the hallway, one behind the other, a hobgoblin warcaster stepped forward and bellowed forth a force pulse the ripped through the adventures, pummeling them with compressed air and knocking them back and prone. Even Gilic, the stalwart dwarf, was knocked to the floor.
Meanwhile, Orchid detected movement from somewhere deeper in the barracks. She spied the double doors and deduced reinforcement were on their way to reinforce and engage hobgoblins and flank the party. She yelled her thoughts aloud and threw herself in the fray, shurikens thudding soundly into hobgoblin flesh. Cedric watched the double doors, reading himself to unleash arcane horror upon whatever burst through. Gareth and Gilic held the line against the group of hobgoblins, a pitched battle where blows were traded for blows, a hobgoblin archer hanging in the back harassing the party with a stream of arrows. Shava blessed the party and provided supplementary fire. Taegahn took aim upon the covered archer, flushing him out first and then peppering him with a barrage of arrows, sending him sprawling into the back wall dead.
The double doors finally broke open, five hobgoblin grunts and warriors running through trying to plow into the party's side and back end. Cedric cast immediately, laying an icy sheet in front of the opening that froze all but one of the hobgoblins. Breaking the flanking charge proved the end of the battle as Gareth, Gilic, and Queequeg chopped through the initial front line. Foes vanquished, the party searched the dirty barracks but found only sour beer and crude armaments. They secured the room, barricaded the front double doors and rested for the remainder of the day.
At dawn, the party moved on. They traveled only a few yards when Orchid stopped the party, pointing to the ceiling: a raised portcullis. She examined the gateway carefully, exposing and disabling a trigger release. Nodding the all clear, Taegahn sprinted forward, entering a room with doors opposite and to the left. He strode confidently to the left door, crouching against it to press the side of his head to listen. The door suddenly opened, three growling hobgoblins attacking. At the same time, the portcullis slammed down. Only Gareth had stepped forward, the rest of the party cut-off. Orchid wasted little time. Wrapping her tiny hands around two parallel bars, she heaved. Sinewy muscles bulging, the corroded metal seemed to give, but not enough to provide an opening. Gareth tried to assist, but failed. Hearing reinforcing hobgoblins streaming out of the far doorway, he abandoned the portcullis to meet the newly arrived horde. Gilic and Shava both attempted to pull the set of bars open, but couldn't. Finally, Queequeg stepped forward. Massive in girth, scaled muscle and sinew took hold of the weakened bars, prying an opening large enough for the party to squeeze through.
The rest of the party charged into the fray. The battle was a frenzy, with adventurers and hobgoblins alike hopping on and off a central table both from necessity and for tactical advantage. Cedric belched forth a scorching torrent of fire that singed foe and ally alike, though Gareth and Queequeg were spared the brunt of it. Taking a page out of Cedric's playbook, Queequeg stepped back and breathed cracking sparks of brilliant turquoise lightning, felling two hobgoblins and narrowly missing Gareth.
After the battle, the party searched the corpses and room. They found some quality mundane armaments and a magic short blade perfectly suited for the compact rogue, Orchid.
Phat Lewt:
+1 Vicious Shortsword - Orchid
Line(s) of the Night:
Phat Lewt:
+1 Vicious Shortsword - Orchid
Line(s) of the Night:
"Am I the only one who role plays here?" Simon, said beseechingly, with arms upraised towards God.
"You're just trying to get me to go down on James." Megan responding to Simon's request to pick up a dropped die that fell nowhere near James.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Aecris Rising
After the ever-spawning undead threat had been neutralized, the brave adventurers continued their bid to clear the first floor of Shadowfell Keep. They made their way to a previously unexplored passage that ended with an ornate door, inlaid in platinum, gems, and jewels. Orchid expertly picked the lock, revealing an evenly proportioned cross-shaped room, a sarcophagus resting in the far alcove. When approached, the casket cover exploded into dust and a skeleton clad in plate and wielding a magnificent longsword emerged.

Sir Keegan, newly risen from his dusty crypt, challenged the party. He demanded to know why they prowled the halls of Shadowfell Keep and what their intentions were regarding the opened Rift. The party smooth-talked their way past Keegan, Cedric and Orchid doubling up to tag-team a good cop/bad cop explanation for the adventurer' past and future actions in Shadowfell. Sir Keegan ultimately proved convinced. Before bursting into dust himself, he charged the party to seek Selune's boon and close the Rift. He offered his longsword, Aecris, as a tool to aid the party in ridding the evil from Shadowfell Keep. And then he was gone, smoking ash piling like sand in an hourglass.
The party conferred and agreed Queequeg most suited to wield Aecris, which he did proudly. They next backtracked their way through the keep, back towards the entrance and a side passage long neglected. The adventurers ignored another side passage shielded by a secret door; the scratching and squeaking sounds emanating from it bode ill. The occasional slurping sound didn't sweeten the deal any. So the party continued down the hallway, bringing them to an expansive chamber full of mining goblins and guard drakes. The goblins had excavated up to ten feet of the chambers stone floor, leaving islands of flooring connected by rickety boards for bridges and creaking ladders for vertical egress.
Taking advantage the element of surprise, Gareth led the party's charge. Leaping down into the excavation, he smote a sweaty goblin who responded with shrieks of pain and surprise. In turn, goblin sharpshooters from across the chamber opened fire, felling Gareth. Gilic, Shava, and Queequeg joined forces to bring the fighter back from the brink of death. The goblins and drakes were quickly dispatched from there.
One, however, was spared. He revealed himself to be Splug, at first hiding the fact that he spoke broken common. After being threatened with immediate execution for knowing nothing and being a treacherous goblin, Splug pleaded for his life. He offered to cook for the party but no one found that particularly appealing. Shifting gears, Splug instead offered to take over leadership of the young party. Howling laughter greeted his generous offer, forcing Splug to lower his head in shame. While the adventurers rested outside the keep, Taegahn traveled back to Winterhaven and fetched food and a guard escort.
When the guard and a brow-beaten Splug were gone from view, the party turned their attention back to Shadowfell Keep. They made their way to a short hallway that descended into stairs, not far from the concealed door that earlier had hidden a zombie ambush. Taegahn and Orchid led the way, spilling torch light from either walls thwarting their efforts to conceal. At the bottom of the stairway, a pair of stalwart hobgoblins guarded the opening of two consecutive rooms, the first with a well in its middle, the second containing a barred cage. Two more hobgoblins flanked the cage, inside a slobbering giant spider that hurled itself against the metal bars when the party came into view.
At the room entrance one of the hobgoblins eyed the party knowingly and barked the first part of a password phrase: "Shadow seeks shadow." The party didn't hesitate to respond with the words scribed on a recently captured note: "From the ground some magic was found." In response, the hobgoblins sprung into action, shouting, "Tell Kalarel his agents within the town have been overthrown!" The two guards formed a phalanx while the back ones hit a lever that raised the cage, barking commands in goblin that seemed directed at the spider. The party responded in kind, charging the front line, with Taegahn flanking right. The spider didn't hesitate to do its master's bidding. It scurried up walls and across ceiling to ultimately position itself immediately in front of Taegahn. The elven ranger unloaded point blank, retreating back to the party. Meanwhile, the rest of the party dealt with the hobgoblins even as a half-dozen more joined the fray. Gareth cleaved multiple slows with a single powerful stroke; Queequeg breathed deep and unleashed an electric charge that dropped rippled through multiple foes simultaneously; Gilic, maul firmly in hand, marked a hobgoblin who paid dearly for it later when he slammed into Queequeg.
Further back, the giant spider continued to scurry and harass the party. With uncanny dexterity, it rapidly made its way back and forth from floor to ceiling in order to position itself to drop down upon unsuspecting heroes. Death from above indeed. Shava paid dearly from such an attack, a poison agent sending searing death straight into her bloodstream. Cedric gave her a passing glance as he turned his attention back to a close knit gaggle of hobgoblins. His spell fizzled however. Shava beamed forth healing light to herself and a recently felled Gareth, who made quick work of his attackers. After the last hobgoblin was felled, the party took stock, searched the bodies, and rested.
Phat Lewtz:
Aecris - +1 longsword - Queequeg
Selune holy symbol - Shava
Line(s) of the Night:
I'd make a much better master [than Queequeg]. Sean to Simon
Simon gets a bonus to his or her attack rolls. - Megan, rightly confused about Gilic's gender.
Brilliant Insight of the Night: Blake, while sampling one of Megan's home baked cookies between piles of pepper beef, commented that the chocolate chip treat had a strong vanilla flavor to it. Actually, Megan hadn't added any vanilla. Not even a drop.
After the ever-spawning undead threat had been neutralized, the brave adventurers continued their bid to clear the first floor of Shadowfell Keep. They made their way to a previously unexplored passage that ended with an ornate door, inlaid in platinum, gems, and jewels. Orchid expertly picked the lock, revealing an evenly proportioned cross-shaped room, a sarcophagus resting in the far alcove. When approached, the casket cover exploded into dust and a skeleton clad in plate and wielding a magnificent longsword emerged.

Sir Keegan, newly risen from his dusty crypt, challenged the party. He demanded to know why they prowled the halls of Shadowfell Keep and what their intentions were regarding the opened Rift. The party smooth-talked their way past Keegan, Cedric and Orchid doubling up to tag-team a good cop/bad cop explanation for the adventurer' past and future actions in Shadowfell. Sir Keegan ultimately proved convinced. Before bursting into dust himself, he charged the party to seek Selune's boon and close the Rift. He offered his longsword, Aecris, as a tool to aid the party in ridding the evil from Shadowfell Keep. And then he was gone, smoking ash piling like sand in an hourglass.
The party conferred and agreed Queequeg most suited to wield Aecris, which he did proudly. They next backtracked their way through the keep, back towards the entrance and a side passage long neglected. The adventurers ignored another side passage shielded by a secret door; the scratching and squeaking sounds emanating from it bode ill. The occasional slurping sound didn't sweeten the deal any. So the party continued down the hallway, bringing them to an expansive chamber full of mining goblins and guard drakes. The goblins had excavated up to ten feet of the chambers stone floor, leaving islands of flooring connected by rickety boards for bridges and creaking ladders for vertical egress.
Taking advantage the element of surprise, Gareth led the party's charge. Leaping down into the excavation, he smote a sweaty goblin who responded with shrieks of pain and surprise. In turn, goblin sharpshooters from across the chamber opened fire, felling Gareth. Gilic, Shava, and Queequeg joined forces to bring the fighter back from the brink of death. The goblins and drakes were quickly dispatched from there.
One, however, was spared. He revealed himself to be Splug, at first hiding the fact that he spoke broken common. After being threatened with immediate execution for knowing nothing and being a treacherous goblin, Splug pleaded for his life. He offered to cook for the party but no one found that particularly appealing. Shifting gears, Splug instead offered to take over leadership of the young party. Howling laughter greeted his generous offer, forcing Splug to lower his head in shame. While the adventurers rested outside the keep, Taegahn traveled back to Winterhaven and fetched food and a guard escort.
When the guard and a brow-beaten Splug were gone from view, the party turned their attention back to Shadowfell Keep. They made their way to a short hallway that descended into stairs, not far from the concealed door that earlier had hidden a zombie ambush. Taegahn and Orchid led the way, spilling torch light from either walls thwarting their efforts to conceal. At the bottom of the stairway, a pair of stalwart hobgoblins guarded the opening of two consecutive rooms, the first with a well in its middle, the second containing a barred cage. Two more hobgoblins flanked the cage, inside a slobbering giant spider that hurled itself against the metal bars when the party came into view.
At the room entrance one of the hobgoblins eyed the party knowingly and barked the first part of a password phrase: "Shadow seeks shadow." The party didn't hesitate to respond with the words scribed on a recently captured note: "From the ground some magic was found." In response, the hobgoblins sprung into action, shouting, "Tell Kalarel his agents within the town have been overthrown!" The two guards formed a phalanx while the back ones hit a lever that raised the cage, barking commands in goblin that seemed directed at the spider. The party responded in kind, charging the front line, with Taegahn flanking right. The spider didn't hesitate to do its master's bidding. It scurried up walls and across ceiling to ultimately position itself immediately in front of Taegahn. The elven ranger unloaded point blank, retreating back to the party. Meanwhile, the rest of the party dealt with the hobgoblins even as a half-dozen more joined the fray. Gareth cleaved multiple slows with a single powerful stroke; Queequeg breathed deep and unleashed an electric charge that dropped rippled through multiple foes simultaneously; Gilic, maul firmly in hand, marked a hobgoblin who paid dearly for it later when he slammed into Queequeg.
Further back, the giant spider continued to scurry and harass the party. With uncanny dexterity, it rapidly made its way back and forth from floor to ceiling in order to position itself to drop down upon unsuspecting heroes. Death from above indeed. Shava paid dearly from such an attack, a poison agent sending searing death straight into her bloodstream. Cedric gave her a passing glance as he turned his attention back to a close knit gaggle of hobgoblins. His spell fizzled however. Shava beamed forth healing light to herself and a recently felled Gareth, who made quick work of his attackers. After the last hobgoblin was felled, the party took stock, searched the bodies, and rested.
Phat Lewtz:
Aecris - +1 longsword - Queequeg
Selune holy symbol - Shava
Line(s) of the Night:
I'd make a much better master [than Queequeg]. Sean to Simon
Simon gets a bonus to his or her attack rolls. - Megan, rightly confused about Gilic's gender.
Brilliant Insight of the Night: Blake, while sampling one of Megan's home baked cookies between piles of pepper beef, commented that the chocolate chip treat had a strong vanilla flavor to it. Actually, Megan hadn't added any vanilla. Not even a drop.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Ground Floor of Shadowfell Keep
Immediately following their victory at the Winterhaven boneyard, the party ventured back to the small town battle weary but pleased at the evil they had thwarted. The local inn opened its doors wide and the adventurers drank for free that night, some more than their fair share. They slept uneventfully that night.
The next morning, the party awakened early and made their way directly to Shadowfell Keep. They had explored a good portion of the first floor except for a hallway and an unopened double door. They chose the door which led to a series of hallways and small chambers that housed numerous zombies and skeletons. After disposing of the first group of walking dead, most of the party rested while Orchid and Taegahn explored further down the hallway. They stopped at a glowing rune etched into the stone floor. Taegahn backtracked and dragged a slain zombie, sliding it over the rune. Its energy stream broken, the rune released a howling alarm and zapped Taegahn into a necromantic fear. Gilic pointed and laughed as Taegahn went running by.
The alarm summoned a second sortie of zombies. The party made short work of them. Ever observant, Taegahn noticed an irregularity in a nearby wall and drew the rest of the party to it. A bit of careful study revealed a hidden lock to a concealed door. Unable to pick the lock, Gareth repositioned his weapon and broke it down. The door led to a small room, a shimmering wall opposite. Some careful testing confirmed it as illusionary. Gareth and Queequeg stepped through only to be ambushed on either side by viscious, brain-slurping zombies. The ensuing battle was pitched with Gilic, Orchid, and Queequeg receiving terrific wounds. Only when Shava stepped into the room and unleased a holy radiant energy did the last of the zombies explode into blessed rapture. The zombies guarded a riddled treasure (reputation) of magical black scale and dwarven chain mail. Gareth and Shava made best use of the armor respectively.
The party backtracked to the other unexplored hallway. It led to a room shaped like a cross, the long shaft flanked on either side by granite sarcophagi. Upon stepping into the middle of the room, a thunderous clap echoed forth and undead skeletons and zombies popped out from the crypts. The party began to make quick work of them. However, the sarcophagi continued producing undead! Cedric, schooled in the arcane arts, studied one between undead births and determined that a holy blessing could halt production. As the party continued fighting the undead, Shava blessed a sarcophagus and shut it down. Meanwhile, Taegahn slipped his way past the undead front line into the shorter shaft of the cross-shaped room. He spied crypts on either side, bathed in a calming blue light. On the side of one crypt, some verse along with a kneeling figure. On bended knee, Taegahn read the verse out loud. The undead down the hallway stopped their attack and crawled back into the magical sarcophagi.
Phat Lewtz:
+1 Black Scale - Gareth
(Gareth in turn gave his +1 Dwarven chain to Shava)
Line(s) of the Night:
Hahahahaha! You suck! - Shawn referring to Blake's bad damage rolls.
You constantly remind me why I hate you. - Blake referring to Shawn.
He's a Keebler elf! - Jeff referring to Blake.
I'm a hero, dammit. - Blake, defending himself.
Immediately following their victory at the Winterhaven boneyard, the party ventured back to the small town battle weary but pleased at the evil they had thwarted. The local inn opened its doors wide and the adventurers drank for free that night, some more than their fair share. They slept uneventfully that night.
The next morning, the party awakened early and made their way directly to Shadowfell Keep. They had explored a good portion of the first floor except for a hallway and an unopened double door. They chose the door which led to a series of hallways and small chambers that housed numerous zombies and skeletons. After disposing of the first group of walking dead, most of the party rested while Orchid and Taegahn explored further down the hallway. They stopped at a glowing rune etched into the stone floor. Taegahn backtracked and dragged a slain zombie, sliding it over the rune. Its energy stream broken, the rune released a howling alarm and zapped Taegahn into a necromantic fear. Gilic pointed and laughed as Taegahn went running by.
The alarm summoned a second sortie of zombies. The party made short work of them. Ever observant, Taegahn noticed an irregularity in a nearby wall and drew the rest of the party to it. A bit of careful study revealed a hidden lock to a concealed door. Unable to pick the lock, Gareth repositioned his weapon and broke it down. The door led to a small room, a shimmering wall opposite. Some careful testing confirmed it as illusionary. Gareth and Queequeg stepped through only to be ambushed on either side by viscious, brain-slurping zombies. The ensuing battle was pitched with Gilic, Orchid, and Queequeg receiving terrific wounds. Only when Shava stepped into the room and unleased a holy radiant energy did the last of the zombies explode into blessed rapture. The zombies guarded a riddled treasure (reputation) of magical black scale and dwarven chain mail. Gareth and Shava made best use of the armor respectively.
The party backtracked to the other unexplored hallway. It led to a room shaped like a cross, the long shaft flanked on either side by granite sarcophagi. Upon stepping into the middle of the room, a thunderous clap echoed forth and undead skeletons and zombies popped out from the crypts. The party began to make quick work of them. However, the sarcophagi continued producing undead! Cedric, schooled in the arcane arts, studied one between undead births and determined that a holy blessing could halt production. As the party continued fighting the undead, Shava blessed a sarcophagus and shut it down. Meanwhile, Taegahn slipped his way past the undead front line into the shorter shaft of the cross-shaped room. He spied crypts on either side, bathed in a calming blue light. On the side of one crypt, some verse along with a kneeling figure. On bended knee, Taegahn read the verse out loud. The undead down the hallway stopped their attack and crawled back into the magical sarcophagi.
Phat Lewtz:
+1 Black Scale - Gareth
(Gareth in turn gave his +1 Dwarven chain to Shava)
Line(s) of the Night:
Hahahahaha! You suck! - Shawn referring to Blake's bad damage rolls.
You constantly remind me why I hate you. - Blake referring to Shawn.
He's a Keebler elf! - Jeff referring to Blake.
I'm a hero, dammit. - Blake, defending himself.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Morning of the Living Dead
Newly arrived at Winterhaven, Gilic and Queequeg are politely but firmly escorted to the master of the small town, a Lord Padreg. He confirms that a priest was sent to elicit aid for the town and frowns upon hearing that the messenger was waylaid by street toughs. Lord Padreg thanks for the dynamic duo for coming to Winterhaven's aid and proceeds to lead them to a room full of peer adventures, freshly returned from nearby Shadowfell Keep. It seems the Cult of Shar works some evil scheme from within those walls, menace and ill-fortune that beats upon Winterhaven and the surrounding lands like tide on a beach. The adventures introduce themselves cordially, if not a bit warily.
Sister Linora enters the room not long after. She speaks to the party, though Gilic and Queequeg follow little of it. Weapons are nearly drawn and blood spilt when a wizened old man suddenly materializes before the roomful. He apologizes for working magic to make himself unseen; he comes off as paranoid and prophetic, reminding the party of a dark missive that described shipment of food and supplies to nourish a necromantic ritual.
Valrum the Prescient also recounted the tale of Jerold Qeegan, an aristocrat who lived in Shadowfell Keep thousands of years ago. Jerold hunted dragons for sport and managed to corner the shadow dragon Shardrexyl and occupy him long enough to conduct a ritual that (NOT SURE WHAT IT DID). Shardrexyl had the last laugh though. The shadow dragon managed to by-pass the ritual and trick Jerold into thinking his family conspired against him. The knight went mad with rage and systematically murdered every member of his family. The Keep has remained cursed ever since.
A guard suddenly barrels into the room, winded and pale. "Dead. Walking again. Graveyard, just outside of town."
Lord Padreg appeals to the adventurers to confront the newly emerged evil. The party debates not at all, striding confidently to the outskirts of town. A horrific sight greets them: the town's ancestors, newly risen for certain grisly boon. The party wastes little time confronting the enemy, a mixture of bow-wielding zombies and rabid hell hounds. Ninaran peeks out from atop a crypt and begins showering arrows upon the party as well. The adventures give what they take. After the undead are slain and Ninaran shot down, the party looks to rest.
It's not to be. A foul necromancer bursts out of the ground. As exploding rotted earth showers around him, he raises a limp wrist around the graveyard and more undead come hurling from long dormant graves. The party goes to work again, cutting and bashing the new arrivals with a zeal equal to the first wave they faced. They quickly focused in on the controlling necromancer and the glowing rune that pulsated with almost tangible evil. After the last zombie was dispatched and the necromancer permanently silenced, the rune was nullified so that its eerie glow slowly faded.
From the corpse of Ninaran, a scroll was found. It said "From the ground some magic was found," hinting access to a new level of ShadowFell Keep.
Newly arrived at Winterhaven, Gilic and Queequeg are politely but firmly escorted to the master of the small town, a Lord Padreg. He confirms that a priest was sent to elicit aid for the town and frowns upon hearing that the messenger was waylaid by street toughs. Lord Padreg thanks for the dynamic duo for coming to Winterhaven's aid and proceeds to lead them to a room full of peer adventures, freshly returned from nearby Shadowfell Keep. It seems the Cult of Shar works some evil scheme from within those walls, menace and ill-fortune that beats upon Winterhaven and the surrounding lands like tide on a beach. The adventures introduce themselves cordially, if not a bit warily.
Sister Linora enters the room not long after. She speaks to the party, though Gilic and Queequeg follow little of it. Weapons are nearly drawn and blood spilt when a wizened old man suddenly materializes before the roomful. He apologizes for working magic to make himself unseen; he comes off as paranoid and prophetic, reminding the party of a dark missive that described shipment of food and supplies to nourish a necromantic ritual.
Valrum the Prescient also recounted the tale of Jerold Qeegan, an aristocrat who lived in Shadowfell Keep thousands of years ago. Jerold hunted dragons for sport and managed to corner the shadow dragon Shardrexyl and occupy him long enough to conduct a ritual that (NOT SURE WHAT IT DID). Shardrexyl had the last laugh though. The shadow dragon managed to by-pass the ritual and trick Jerold into thinking his family conspired against him. The knight went mad with rage and systematically murdered every member of his family. The Keep has remained cursed ever since.
A guard suddenly barrels into the room, winded and pale. "Dead. Walking again. Graveyard, just outside of town."
Lord Padreg appeals to the adventurers to confront the newly emerged evil. The party debates not at all, striding confidently to the outskirts of town. A horrific sight greets them: the town's ancestors, newly risen for certain grisly boon. The party wastes little time confronting the enemy, a mixture of bow-wielding zombies and rabid hell hounds. Ninaran peeks out from atop a crypt and begins showering arrows upon the party as well. The adventures give what they take. After the undead are slain and Ninaran shot down, the party looks to rest.
It's not to be. A foul necromancer bursts out of the ground. As exploding rotted earth showers around him, he raises a limp wrist around the graveyard and more undead come hurling from long dormant graves. The party goes to work again, cutting and bashing the new arrivals with a zeal equal to the first wave they faced. They quickly focused in on the controlling necromancer and the glowing rune that pulsated with almost tangible evil. After the last zombie was dispatched and the necromancer permanently silenced, the rune was nullified so that its eerie glow slowly faded.
From the corpse of Ninaran, a scroll was found. It said "From the ground some magic was found," hinting access to a new level of ShadowFell Keep.
Phat Lewt:
32.5 gold per
Line(s) of the Night:
Come here boy and swing from these - Craig, referring to his man breasts
Strike, Gilic, my little tator tot! - A reference to Blake mishearing James
Phat Lewt:
32.5 gold per
Line(s) of the Night:
Come here boy and swing from these - Craig, referring to his man breasts
Strike, Gilic, my little tator tot! - A reference to Blake mishearing James
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