Saturday, September 27, 2008

Role-playing Bonanza!


The party rested from the dire wolf encounter and departed early the next morning. They were unmolested for the rest of the journey. When they finally rode into the city of Arabel, a crowd of children and spectators took quick notice. Hushed whispers, enthusiastic cheers, and steely gazes followed the adventurers as they wound their way through the packed streets of Arabel towards the gleaming glass tower of Tymora's Temple.

Queequeg noticed the crowd especially attentive to the novelty of a dragonborn in their midst. The children especially pointed at the warlord, their mouths hanging slack as they gibbered about scales and girth, talons and snout. Queequeg smiled to himself, tilted his head back, and unleashed a torrent of turquoise lightning into the sky straight above. The children and more cowardly adults scampered away only to peek their heads back at the retreating convoy and cheer their delight. Gilic himself chuckled, reaching into coin purse and flinging a handful of copper and silver to the adoring crowd. The children lunged for the shiny bits, one adult in particular elbowing a little girl in the face to grab a stray gold.

As the party approached the resplendent Temple of Tymora, Taegahan wondered aloud if the tower refracted the sun's rays enough to burn flesh and start fires. Entering the Temple, the adventurers were greeted with an unusual sight: tables and apparatus spread throughout a large chamber, all devoted to gambling. As the goddess of luck, Tymora relished games of chance and fully embraced them within her halls of worship. Hostess Ann greeted the party immediately, taking their drink orders and inviting them to gamble for a time. The party played a variety of games, including dragonbones. More money was lost than won, though Orchid walked away significantly richer than she arrived.

Not long after, Hostess Ann ushered the party into a more subdued, quieter antechamber. She informed the party that Sister Mary Margaret was currently at a meeting, but that she asked the adventurers to dine while they waited. They ate from an eclectic menu, including venison stew and mixed vegetables. Finally, Sister Margaret entered the room, addressing the party warmly. She listened intently to their brief summary of events surrounding Shadowfell Keep, her brow furrowed upon hearing the existence and demise of Kalarel. Sister Margaret smiled brightly at the end of their tale, congratulating them on a job well done. She motioned to Ann who handed each member a heavy coin purse.

"As grateful as I am to all of you for investigating and defeating the evil at the Keep, I'm afraid Cormyr still has need of you," Sister Margaret intoned. She explained that on behalf of Lord Darius Ruckus, the Lord of Arabel, she humbly requested the Victors of Shadowfell Keep investigate reports of slavery not far from a trading post in the mountains just north of the city. The trading post was established by a syndicate of arcanist knows as the Mages of Seurun. Trading in gems, jewels, and rare ore that are mined from a nearby ruin, Thuderspire Labyrinth also markets a handful of rare artifacts and items of more modest magical power. Sister Margaret acknowledges the post fully engages in trade with the Underdark. As a conduit between the realm beneath and the surface, it boasts booming traffic and strong profits. As a result, the Mages of Seurn enjoy immense power within the small borders of Thunderspire Labyrinth and along its trade routes.

Sister Margaret entreated the party to journey to the outpost and advertise themselves as mercenary adventurers. Undercover, she asked the party to investigate the reports of slavery and crush any operation running such a corrupt business. Additionally, she asks to the party to take in their surrounding, documenting all that they witness, map areas and regions they explore, including the ruins that feed the post's gem, jewel, and artifact market.

Sister Margaret ended her request: "Lastly, Lord Ruckus has received troubling reports of a singularity event of significant power in or around Thunderspire Labyrinth. The nature of the power is unknown, but it hints at a world-ending event. Of all the tasks set before you, this is the most important. Find the source of this continuum rupture. Investigate the ramifications of its existence. If it proves a danger to Arabel, Cormyr, by the goddess Tymora all of Faerun itself, do everything in your power to destroy it. May Lady Luck shine on you all and the good work you do."

Sister Margaret excused herself and the party left the Temple for the luxurious accommodations of the Falcon's Crest. For much coin, the party enjoyed attended hot baths, expansive menu, and as much drink as they could imbibe. The party spent their days outfitting themselves for the approaching adventure and meeting with Hostess Ann to detail their exploits at Shadowfell Keep. Toron, a halfing information broker, also paid them a visit. A representative of Halfings Incorporated (for the love of god no), the small agent promised unique information at bargain prices. The adventurers paid up. Toron told them the name of the slaving organization working outside the minotaur ruin: Bloodreavers.

To Be Continued.

Line(s) of the Night:

"Oh my god, I'm drunk." - Blake upon finding out that drinks are free at Tymora's Temple.

"You fucker!" - Craig after Blake's wall-shaking belch interrupts an Orsen Wells-esque reading of Arabel flavor text.

"He sounds right up your alley" Megan to Pati, of a strapping young halfing information broker.
"He will be in a moment." Blake. Sexual innuendo???????

Visual of the Night:

Simon's legs spread wide, Megan on all fours in front of him on the pretext of looking for a dropped die.

Baked Good of the Night:

Megan's Jumbles. Muy delicioso!

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