Saturday, October 18, 2008

Foray into the Chamber of Eyes


The party moved deep into the chamber, discovering a side door and a passageway splitting left and right. Orchid checked the side door, hearing nothing and discerning no traps. Gareth burst into a rectangle shaped bathroom. A statue against the far wall depicted a half woman and serpent monster, centered in the middle of a spa. The murky water looked neither warm nor inviting. A partitioned wall in the center of the room obscured line of sight. Otherwise, the room was empty.

The adventurers backtracked and turned right. Orchid leaned against the door at the end of the hallway, but heard and discovered nothing. Gareth against shouldered his weight against the door. The door flew open, revealing a pack of hobgoblins and humans in the midst of a poker game. A gleaming scimitar and stacks of gems and gold piled high on their gaming table. Three goblin archers could be seen in a back chamber. Upon the party entering, they slid out of view.

The hobgoblins and humans roared at the party, rising from the table and reaching for swords and weapons. They soon surrounded Gareth. Gareth took a commanding stance and rained cold steel at all who came at him. Gilic rushed to Gareth side, providing flanking assistance. Shava eased into the fray, calling forth a holy glow that damaged foes and invigorated friends. Cedric let forth a scorching blast that burned multiple enemies. Taegahn took aim, mostly missing. A stray arrow that did find a target tore into a hobgoblin with devastating effect. Orchid pursued the pack of archer goblins hidden in the back of the room, spraying them with a cloud of gleaming shirkens.

Too soon, the last humanoid fell. The party searched the room and gathered the loot. They discussed who should get the sword, but put that decision off for later.

The barracks proved a dead end, so the party tracked back the hallway and approached another closed door. Gareth again broke into the door. Two duergar shouted something in their language clearly met as a warning and Orchid could hear the sound of opening doors and retreating feet down a side hallway. Everyone closed with the duergar, but the fight was quick with the numbers so against the evil dwarves. When the last fell, Queequeg searched their bodies, but found only the chain armor they wore and the warhammers they wielded.

The adventurers turned their attention to the hallway from which they earlier had heard retreating footsteps. The passageway was disconcertingly quiet. The party approached a locked door that Orchid searched thoroughly. When she couldn't pick the door open, Gareth hefted his mighty axe and bit into the solid wood. A jolt of electricity coursed through his axe and up through his body when the weapon met the door. The party backed away carefully and instead turned their attention to a door further down the hallway.

The party stepped through that door and into a room covered with carvings and glyphs of eyes. The Chamber of Eyes.


Phat Lewtz:

+1 life drinking scimitar

Lines(s) of the Night:

"Taegahn attacks!" - Sean playing Blakes' character. Sean proceeded to roll a 1 and 2, missing his intended target and the broad side of the dungeon wall.

"Taegahn attacks!" - Sean playing Blakes' character. In a separate encounter, Sean proceeded to roll two 1s, missing the entire universe.

"I like how your staff is bent." - James, referring to Sean's miniature. Craig giggled and took another interpretation.

Baked Good(s) of the Night:

None. /hunger /sob /bawl

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