Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Ghosts and Columns...

excerpt from the Pages of “The Tales of Gilic Durcral, of the Stone Wolf Clan

‘Twas gud to be in the mountains. The sense o’stone around me was welcoming. But the foul stench o’ the place was more than muh whiskers could take. We had been down there for a few weeks at this point. I was still quite new to this whole ‘venturing business and was a little unsure as to what our goal was. But I had taken up me hammer in the name of the Soul Forger and strode out from m’clans halls to experience the world, and see what good could be done.

We had gone from killing Goblins and their larger cousins, to damnable Druegar, and were now killing stinking Gnolls. I’m not sure which I hated most ‘bout the wee buggers. Their stench or their incessant cacklin’.

The group had cleared out their archery range and were securing the boar, Uthlik. I helped Taeghan with a few words of m’own tongue to help in calming the beast. Not sure when we became fetchers of pets? But, that old longbeard back in the hall had some attachment to the creature and had plenty o’gems with our name of them I think.

After a short rest we pushed further into the temple. The wee one, Orchid, she scouted ahead. The temples walls had been built well, but housed many an evil. We all crept forward on her command, sneaking into another hallway, two doors could be seen on the left wall. We all got inside and Taeghan and Orchid slid forward, they had not gone ten yards when that cackling returned. The two doors burst open and again we were thrust into battle.

A large Gnoll bitch stood in one door, runes covering her ragged armor, while in the other door, an’ right on front o’ Taeghan stood some planar creature. Its stony hide pulsating with vile energy. Taeghan quickly shot at the beast and forced it to stumble backwards, quickly slamming the door closed again. Gareth charged the Gnoll, his axe cleaving a mighty rent into her side. We split our forces and dispatched them without too much trouble, we had become quite a force in the past few months.

We were just cleaning up when we heard chains rattle from down the hall. We rushed forward to keep the battle moving. But seemingly to Orchid’s dismay, what we found was not to be killed. A couple o’Tieflings shackled and chained t’the wall. We approached with caution, this labyrinth had held many a surprise. They asked for help, saying that they were fellow adventures, here to seek riches, their names where Katal and Azkalek. They had been accosted by the Gnolls and were going to be sacrificed. Their armor and weapons where on the table on front o’ them. Upon inspection Orchid noticed that the weapons were poison blades. We questioned them at length, but discovered nothing. They even offered their service, which we declined and we escorted them from the temple.

I got out a bit a’ jerky as Orchid deftly searched the gnoll that we had slain. She found some magical gloves that Cedric took, did some arcane trick or another. After a swig from my skin, we were off again. We had come to a dead end in the passage we were following and decided to go back to the main hall and take the other way.

The passage grew colder as we progressed. We reached a door, large and black with a brass knocker. Orchid opened it and we went to enter. The coldness seemed to take shape on front o’my own eyes. Ghost like creatures came to life, a large human in plate mail, a greatsword in his hand, and a massive gash down his side. A female human, dressed in long robes, her face was like a dark cloud, featureless and sullen. And a dwarf finished up the trio. He was clad in chain, his beard was braided and looked madder than me own father. “Why do you seek the well of Demons, why do you seek the proving grounds?” The faceless woman boomed.

It took a few seconds for me t’release the grip I had on ma’hammer. And I could see the rest of the party take a sigh of relief upon realizing a fight was not imminent, at least not right away. The ghosts, if that’s what they were, went on to ask us many a question. It was as if they were testing us. It seemed as though they were long dead adventurers, who tried to assault the Temple, and who had failed. Now cursed to see if newcomers were up to the task. After more than a dozen questions, most of which we seemed to get correct, though few of our answers to the stern faced Dwarf, seemed to please him. They let us pass. With some information of what lay ahead.

It was told to us that the temple had four rune marked spell circles. Each was keyed to a certain item. The items sounded familiar, Mask, Blade, Bell and Tome. It turned out Orchid had found a wee book back in the Gnoll bitches room, which she brought forth. One down, three to go I thought.

The ghosts told us of other treasure rooms and that upon placement of the four items, a portal would open and a green dragon would come forth. This was an ancient proving ritual of the followers of Bahamut. These bloody Minotaurs, like to have fun I see.

The ghosts faded into the shadows after they had told their tale. We headed for the southern room. Making our way through the temple area, with no ill effects. A short hallway ended in a black door. Taeghan slowly opened the door. The room beyond was pale stone with many tall carved pillars. The pillars had humanoid shapes carved into them, many different bodies all on top of one another. Gareth an’ I, shouldered our way into the room, t’check it out. Not five feet inside the door and the columns came to life. Moaning and shrieking, their arms flailing wildly and grasping at us. Shava called forth the power of her god and smote one of the columns, the divine energy seemed to do very little as the creatures kept on flailing. We all moved in to investigate. Taeghan strafed off to the left, while Shava and I pushed straight ahead. Just then the moaning from the columns subsided for just a minute. The moaning was replaced by a loud scream. It disoriented those around the columns, just about all of us.

Taeghan came across a foe, calling out as he moved in on it, at the far end of the room. Another of the planar creatures, and there behind it on a small altar, a large hand bell. One of the four items we were looking for. We all moved to intercept the creature, just as more demonic gnolls burst forth from the very pillars. We were fighting on all sides. Gareth had made it to the planar creature and was tackling it and a gnoll. A gnoll had come at me, and I had just gotten ma’ shield up in time. Queequeg had a couple Gnolls on him, but he looked like he had it in hand. His scaly hide turned the maces o’ the beasts away.

It seemed to be going fine till that wee Elf Taeghan went ahead and picked up the damnable Bell. CLANG ….ooowwWWWW. He had rang the bell, and it had sent out spikes into his hand. Hopefully it will lessen his ability to play his harp.

The sound that came from the bell was not just a musical note, it seemed to cause those around it, friend and foe alike to come alive with some sort o’ bloodlust. This was no more evident as when Shava strode past me, swinging her mace above her head shouting something about Corellon. She went right up to the Planar beast and let him have it. Aye, it was good to see the dust knocked off that mace. Between her and Gareth they felled the beast.

We made quick work of the gnolls after that. We retreated from the chamber, trying to avoid the dangers posed by the columns. Their shrieks had various effects, we were almost out when a dark mist came ‘bout us, and made us appear in different parts of the room. We ran at this point to exit the chamber, bell in hand as well as a bauble that Cedric had found beneath the altar.

“Save the world, one Gnoll at a time” – Shava to the tieflings

“Luskin…..thats a wretched hive of scum and villany” – Kenji (playing Queequeg) and having failed a knowledge check about the town

“Pati’s got your sack in her drawers!” – Simon to Blake upon Pati putting blakes dice bag in the table drawer.

Spoils of War:
Bracers of Defense – Gareth
Shadowfell Gloves - Cedric

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